Did I make a mistake at DG's?

I've seen the posts about DGs where extras are rare inside the club, but the girls are very inclined to outside the club activities. So, I went there and saw a very cute light skinned mixed girl and got 2 dances from her. There was no privacy where the dances took place so I stopped at 2 dances. Payed her the 40 and she immediately asks me to take her phone number. I called her so she could have mine as well. I left the club right after and texted her something along the lines of seeing her outside the club. She responded with a "yes, and it was nice meeting you". Knowing the reputation of the girls here I texted her again asking for a meet in exchange for a price. Did I make a mistake by sending her this text. She never responded after that. Should I have just asked her to hang out for a lunch or dinner date and go from there? I feel like maybe I was too upfront and scared her away, or maybe she was genuinely just interested in hanging out on a "normal" date. Should I text her again to invite her to dinner or just let it go and move on to the next?
7Zark7's Avatar
they never just want to "hang out" - you exchanged numbers, didn't get a response, move on to the next one
MrMarriott's Avatar
I met one there with a similar description. If it's the same chick, I think that's just her M.O...goes dark after exchanging numbers. The one I'm talking about was FOINE and I doubt she's the pay to play type due to her looks. BUT have met plenty in the hobby that I would never guess would be hobby-girls, so I could be wrong about her.
Some talk the talk, but are really only interested in meeting you in the club. Send her a text asking when she works next and see if you get a response
You texted her to meetup (for sex) for a stated price? I think that was the mistake. Some girls are fine with that but the more cautious ones will back off since we know that LE tries hard to get into arrestees phones.

On that same topic, imo guys should be cautious too. I had a dancer, who I’ve hooked up with for a few years, text me about a month ago saying she needed money for something and wanted to meet up for a couple days for sex. I haven’t replied because I don’t want to be in her messages agreeing to a felony.
BabygotDak's Avatar
Smart Man nfhs04 Go Rangers
Some talk the talk, but are really only interested in meeting you in the club. Send her a text asking when she works next and see if you get a response Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
We don't agree very often but this is the correct answer.
She wants to get a few dances from you on a daily basis first, then she is open for OTC.This is what I learned in the club. Once you get closer then their personal problems will come up which depends on whether you can deal with those if you really like the girl. The bottom line is, money plays a major role here.
Castlerashka Chebustormer's Avatar
Any lady that will exchange texts with a man she barely knows mentioning a price for sex is crazy.