Book Ends - Begining and End

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How we started the year

Peel back each of those and try to recollect the multiple steps and months involved to get to those events. They all have ramps to their convergence.

Now we are ending the year:
  • Trying to ouster a President with fuggery
  • Trying to bury Ukraine
  • Trying to make the Chinese Cold Plague (CCP) the gateway to Totalitarianism
Peel back each of those and try to recollect the multiple steps and months involved to get to those events. They all have ramps to their convergence.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
How we started the year

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do


What We Know About the Death of George Floyd in Minneapolis

Mr. Floyd died after being handcuffed and pinned to the ground by an officer’s knee in an episode that was captured on video, touching off nationwide protests.

According to charging documents however, the officers had tried to get Mr. Floyd into a police vehicle. Mr. Floyd struggled with the officers, “intentionally falling down, saying he was not going in the car, and refusing to stand still.”

Mr. Floyd began saying repeatedly that he could not breathe.

Mr. Chauvin eventually placed him in the police car with Mr. Kueng’s help. At 8:19 p.m., Mr. Chauvin pulled Mr. Floyd out of the passenger side of the squad car. Mr. Floyd hit the ground, face down, handcuffs still on. Mr. Kueng held Mr. Floyd’s back while Mr. Lane held his legs.

Mr. Chauvin lodged his left knee in “the area of Mr. Floyd’s head and neck,” the documents said, and Mr. Floyd continued to protest: “I can’t breathe.”

  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:12 AM
As usual - 9500 looks at the thug Floyd and his resistance to arrest as a national cause celebre' - and does love his Che' - a psychopathic murderer and Communist zealot.

How many more cities does 9500 want to burn down over the thug that Floyd was???
as many as it takes to institute socialist rule - Stalin would be so proud of U - 9500!

Go join the door - to door Gun confiscation drive of the DPST party in Middle America - 9500- you will get an appropriate welcome!
Or, - just you and Eric Swalwell work on your plan to nuke Middle America - much simpler just to do away with anyone of a different Opinion - as did Stalin and Che!

WYID has it 'Right" ( not sorry about the trigger word, snowflakes) - Live Free or Die - and the DPST socialists are doing their best to destroy freedom for the ideology Uber alles~!
Live Free or Die - From my cold dead hands !
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
For those that ever say or think that their vote doesn't matter - consider that the vote to break free from Britain was by a mere couple of votes. Patrick Henry is somewhat credited with inspiring enough fence post sitters with his impassioned speech to commit to the cause.

I don't know if you have been to many or any of the historical venues from that time period or not. I have been to many of them along the East Coast and they are well worth seeing to gain perspective. They were typically rather small. Nothing like the large amphitheaters or stadiums of our time. There were not thousands of people attending lectures by celebrities. They were a smallish band of decision makers, ordinary folk - committed to Liberty

5 min (a semi-tactile representation)

For the visual learner, this is a good read to understand the background etc.
Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” Speech

Revolution was in the air in early 1775. Only a few months earlier, delegates from the American colonies had held the first Continental Congress and sent Britain’s King George III a petition for redress of grievances, among them the repeal of the so-called “Intolerable Acts.” A mass boycott of British goods was underway, and Boston Harbor still languished under a British blockade as punishment for 1773’s Boston Tea Party. In a speech to Parliament in late-1774, King George had denounced the “daring spirit of resistance and disobedience to the law” which seemed to be spreading like wildfire across the American continent....

9 min (in case you are strictly an auditory learner type, by Orson Wells ;-)
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This is what journalism use to be like. Insightful, clear, concise and thought provoking. The article is a really good read. Unfortunately, it was his last and it would seem perhaps, the last of it's kind. Follow the link for yourself. The quotation is from the providing website, which is why I chose this link. (easy to search the internets for the material though) If you are skeered of random links, I also added a "probable" work of his below to give you an idea of his writing prowess.

Charley Reese's final column - 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Just a Friendly Reminder

A very interesting column. COMPLETELY NEUTRAL
Be sure to Read the Poem at the end.

Charley Reese's final column for the Orlando Sentinel.

He has been a journalist for 49 years.
He is retiring and this is HIS LAST COLUMN.

Be sure to read the Tax List at the end.

This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be. The article below is completely neutral, neither anti-republican or democrat. Charlie Reese, a retired reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, has hit the nail directly on the head, defining clearly who it is that in the final analysis must assume responsibility for the judgments made that impact each one of us every day. It's a short but good read. Worth the time. Worth remembering!...

Disclaimer: I have not been able to 100% verify this other, probable, work of his, but it seems consistent and on point

Don't let them.

It is easier than you think to control people indirectly, to manipulate them into thinking what you want them to think and doing what you want them to do.

One basic technique is to keep them ignorant.

Educated people are not as easy to manipulate. Abolishing public education or restricting access to education would be the direct approach. That would spill the beans. The indirect approach is to control the education they receive.

It’s possible to be a Ph.D., doctor, lawyer, businessman, journalist, or an accountant, just to name a few examples, and at the same time be an uneducated person. The difference between true education and vocational training has been cleverly blurred in our time so that we have people successfully practicing their vocations while at the same time being totally ignorant of the larger issues of the world in which they live.

The most obvious symptom is their absence of original thought. Ask them a question and they will end up reciting what someone else thinks or thought the answer was. What do they think Well, they never thought about it. Their education consisted of learning how to use the library and cite sources.

That greatly simplifies things for the controller because with lots of money, university endowments, foundations, grants, and ownership of media, it is relatively easy to control who they will think of as authorities to cite in lieu of doing their own thinking.

Another technique is to keep them entertained. Roman emperors did not stage circuses and gladiator contests because they didn’t have television. We have television because we don’t have circuses and gladiator events. Either way, the purpose is to keep the people’s minds focused on entertainment, sports, and peripheral political issues. This way you won’t have to worry that they will ever figure out the real issues that allow you to control them.

Just as a truly educated person is difficult to control, so too is an economically independent person. Therefore, you want to create conditions that will produce people who work for wages, since wage earners have little control over their economic destiny. You’ll also want to control the monetary, credit, and banking systems. This will allow you to inflate the currency and make it next to impossible for wage earners to accumulate capital. You can also cause periodic deflation to collapse the family businesses, family farms, and entrepreneurs, including independent community banks.

To keep trade unions under control, you just promote a scheme that allows you to shift production jobs out of the country and bring back the products as imports (it is called free trade). This way you will end up with no unions or docile unions.
Another technique is to buy both political parties so that after a while people will feel that no matter whether they vote for Candidate A or Candidate B, they will get the same policies. This will create great apathy and a belief that the political process is useless for effecting real change.

Pretty soon you will have a population that feels completely helpless, and thinks the bad things happening to them are nobody in particular’s fault, just a result of global forces or evolution or some other disembodied abstract concept. If necessary, you can offer scapegoats.

Then you can bleed them dry without having to worry overly much that one of them will sneak into your house one night and cut your throat. If you do it right, they won’t even know whose throat they are cutting.

- Charley Reese

See? With just a little effort -- you too can use your head for more than a hat rack
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A good rule of thumb is that if you're talking then you are breathing.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 02:51 PM
"Journalism" is a truly foreign concept at XiNN and the LSM - they are simply organs of the DNC propaganda and its DPST terrorists!
WYID - thank you ' Remember that history to the DPST is condemned a 'racist" to be destroyed. He wh knoweth not History is condemned to repeat it/

There a re quite a number of committed DPST minions terrorist repeaters out there !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"Journalism" is a truly foreign concept at XiNN and the LSM - they are simply organs of the DNC propaganda and its DPST terrorists!
WYID - thank you ' Remember that history to the DPST is condemned a 'racist" to be destroyed. He wh knoweth not History is condemned to repeat it/

There a re quite a number of committed DPST minions terrorist repeaters out there ! Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 04:24 PM
DPST intellectual bankruptcy on display!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Reviewed the 2016 Dem reactions on the boards here. Eerily familiar and quite funny actually. If so inclined, they are around page #454 of this forum