No Review policies, non-graphic reviews, and etc

How do you think an escort review board should deal with the following issues:

1. should an escort review board edit reviews at the requests of providers who state they are YMMV?

2. Another hypothetical. Let’s say someone posts a review, and then a provider contacts a moderator and *claims* that she didn’t meet the guy. In such a case, how should a board like Eccie deal with the issue? Under what circumstances would a contested review be deleted, or would it be deleted? And, if they decide to investigate the issue before taking any action, how would such an investigation proceed? What kind of evidence or criteria will they take into account? Or, will a moderator simply attach a comment to the contested review stating that the provider claims to have not met the guy?

3. Let’s say that someone posts a review, and in that review the individual resorts to name-calling and personal attack against the subject of the review.

Should a site like this delete such a review & ask the reviewer to re-write it more objectively, or will it be severely edited, or will free speech rule the day and the review will be left untouched?

4. Someone posts a review and the provider claims to have a No Review Policy and wants the review pulled, even though she is not truly UTR and has a web presence and advertises in other outlets. Or she states that she only allows non-graphic reviews.

How should all of that be handled?
  • Owner
  • 04-02-2009, 06:42 PM

Much of what you're describing are areas where opinions can be so deeply divided that often times folks just agree to disagree.

As you stated on your similar post at Deuce's blog, it could be concluded that there's actually no right or wrong answer to these questions, but I'm with ya on a very important aspect of we handle these sort of situations will set the tone for this board and will certainly be a contributing factor in whether ECCIE is successful or not.

Here's what I'd tell ya, my friend. Just stick around a while. You'll have the answers to your questions soon enough. Each of these scenarios are bound to pop up at some point or another, and you'll be able to conclude our philosophy over the long haul. There's so many variables and factors involved in the questions you've raised that there'd be no way to thoroughly or fairly spell it all out in a reply.

You'll just have to wait and see how we react to situations, and when you do you'll be able to decide one of two things...

1. We're just a bunch of backwoods dumbasses who don't know a damn thing about managing an escort message board, but sure know how to design a sweet-lookin' website.......


2. We're a group of reasonable and responsible adults with a good bit of common-sense who just might have a bit more of the type of experience one would need to manage one of these beasts than you'd given us credit for.

The good thing, Mr. Steel, is that this board is a public whether you're logged in or not you'll be able to check in and see what's happening as this thing evolves, and for anyone interested I'm promising a very fun ride!

I like your answer owner. I have been out of the hobby for a good long while now but one thing I do know is drama is going to happen on a site like this. It is what you wrote that shows me, at least, that things are headed in the right direction for this board and that the staff has its head together.

How one handles them selves when things become adversarial is what will define them to others. To be clear, actions speak louder than words and judge others by their fruits.
Beatnik's Avatar
I like ECCIE and hope it prospers. Best Wishes ECCIE.
Good answer, Owner... Who are you? lol Rebecca, TBone?
St.Mateo's Avatar
Very logical answer, as much as we think this realm is all fantasy it still mirrors real life all of it. Sometimes depending on the situation its just better to not say anything if its mean.
You know the adage, If you do not have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut...
  • npita
  • 05-14-2009, 12:57 PM
How do you think an escort review board should deal with the following issues:

1. should an escort review board edit reviews at the requests of providers who state they are YMMV? Originally Posted by tysteel
Personally, I think you are getting your panties in a wad over nothing on this one.
3. Let’s say that someone posts a review, and in that review the individual resorts to name-calling and personal attack against the subject of the review.

Should a site like this delete such a review & ask the reviewer to re-write it more objectively, or will it be severely edited, or will free speech rule the day and the review will be left untouched?
Personally, I think there should be two sets of reviews. One set would be reviews which are deemed to be of value and placed in a separate location. Those would be held to a high standards. The rest ought to be put into a section in which no judgment is passed on the merits and basically left for people to dig through if they really want to do that.

4. Someone posts a review and the provider claims to have a No Review Policy and wants the review pulled, even though she is not truly UTR and has a web presence and advertises in other outlets. Or she states that she only allows non-graphic reviews.
What if elephants were really flying saucers?
>What if elephants were really flying saucers?

On some of the canadian escort review sites, it's common place for escorts to declare a No Review Policy and have their existing reviews taken down, while still posting advertisements to the board. A lot of times a request is made for a NRP after receiving a review they find disagreeable, or after receiving reviews which they find too explicit or graphic. Check out sites like,, and others for an indication of that.

A few words from the "original veteran" on the issue:

I'm not necessarily being critical of the policy, I even have the same policy on my own site for the purpose of making it more provider friendly, but it is an acknowledgement that a good percentage of providers out there...if it was up to them...would prefer not to be reviewed on a board if they were still given the option to advertise.
  • npita
  • 05-15-2009, 02:14 PM
On some of the canadian escort review sites, it's common place for escorts to declare a No Review Policy and have their existing reviews taken down, while still posting advertisements to the board. A lot of times a request is made for a NRP after receiving a review they find disagreeable, or after receiving reviews which they find too. Originally Posted by tysteel
On some sites... A lot of times... Do you ever post anything that isn't self-centered paranoia about hypothetical bullshit designed to set up an argument?
LatexLover's Avatar
Sir Please step away from the flamethrower!

Are you in a bad mood? It seems like you maybe the one looking for an argument. That is a rather aggresive tone for such a mild comment IMO
  • npita
  • 05-16-2009, 06:37 AM
Sir Please step away from the flamethrower!

Are you in a bad mood? It seems like you maybe the one looking for an argument. That is a rather aggresive tone for such a mild comment IMO Originally Posted by latexlover39
If it were a flame, I would have been considerably more direct. The seemingly mild comment to which you refer is neither mild nor really a comment. It is a continuation of a campaign against individuals on other boards, disguised as a comment, that does not need to infect this board. So far ECCIE has been very pleasant. It lacks the usual US vs. THEM mentality and there is no feud with other boards going on here so I see no reason to create an issue here where no issue exists.
Sir Please step away from the flamethrower!

Are you in a bad mood? It seems like you maybe the one looking for an argument. That is a rather aggresive tone for such a mild comment IMO Originally Posted by latexlover39
If it were a flame, I would have been considerably more direct. The seemingly mild comment to which you refer is neither mild nor really a comment. It is a continuation of a campaign against individuals on other boards, disguised as a comment, that does not need to infect this board. So far ECCIE has been very pleasant. It lacks the usual US vs. THEM mentality and there is no feud with other boards going on here so I see no reason to create an issue here where no issue exists. Originally Posted by npita
Npita you are correct in your statement that ECCIE has not gotten the us vs. them approach but your somewhat antagonistic posts towards Tysteel in this thread does present the appearance of what you mentioned. I would think that if you felt the way you are writing then you would just ignore what Tysteel has posted after stating your position and let the thread run its course or change your approach in writing your views in the thread. Remember, your interpretation of what Tysteel has written is not necessarily what others may take in and Tysteel has been given the privilege of posting on this site, as have you and I.

Having a difference of opinion is a good thing on a site like this but how one handles themselves in stating their opinion will show others the kind of a person they are. Remember, what you write is also open to interpretation by others. Take it from someone who has been down the road of incorrectly interpreted written words... been there, done that and threw away the T-shirt.

For the record, I believe Tysteel's posts have merit and I have already made a post that I think this site has it together based upon the answer by Owner found in post 2 of this thread.
All members arrive on eccie with a "clean slate" and the Owner's and moderators will determine if the member stays here, based upon the post they make and the contribution to the hobby and this community.

This is a warning to ALL, keep this on topic and CIVIL if you want to retain your posting ability on eccie.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 05-18-2009, 09:16 AM
I try to ask myself what isn't this review telling me?

Could see a review with glowing accolades of a providers service, however there is no mention of what she looks like??? Why??

Is the best example, of what I a trying to say, what doesn't it say !

You can review a provider without Bashing her by simply omitting things that a reader will be looking for and let them draw their own opinion.

Try to acquire the ability to tell someone to go to hell, so they look froward to the trip!!
Good idea. I may right critical reviews in the future. If I do, I will be sure to reread and sleep on them for several days before hitting submit.