"Documentary" Film Maker Melts Down On Fox News.....


So, an independent "Film Maker" decides to obtain two days worth of security film from the Store that Michael Brown was in, do some creative editing, and make it look like Brown was nothing more than an average shopper carrying on business as usual in the store.

He goes absolutely ballistic when Martha McCullum presented him with the facts. Facts agreed upon by every investigating entity that looked into the matter, Fderal, State, and County.

Of course, this so called "Documentary" will give the "Dindunuffins" and potential "Sons of Obama" to go on extended midnight shopping sprees.

It would be interesting to find who funded this character so he could produce this bag of lies.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I saw that.

The guy should be out on a ledge somewhere.
LexusLover's Avatar
I saw that.

The guy should be out on a ledge somewhere. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Just more mess to clean up at the taxpayers' expense.

He was confronted with the "unedited" version, AND the unedited security video was available for the Obaminable DOJ to review!!! He was a verbally abusive little fucker.
I saw that.

The guy should be out on a ledge somewhere. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
As I watched it, I was thinking that the guy was acting like somebody wouldn't notice to what lengths he had gone to in order to promote this false narrative.

I couldn't quite figure out his agenda. Granted, the First Amendment pretty well guarantees that he can do this sort of thing, but didn't he realize that these videos are public record, and anybody with half a brain would see right through this.

Like I asked before. Who put the money up for this?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe he's a college professor who teaches film.
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe he's a college professor who teaches film. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Which would be one explanation for his reaction to criticism.

The other one is he still hasn't recovered from the HillaryNoMore loss!

He's very sensitive right now.
StandinStraight's Avatar

So, an independent "Film Maker" decides to obtain two days worth of security film from the Store that Michael Brown was in, do some creative editing, and make it look like Brown was nothing more than an average shopper carrying on business as usual in the store.

He goes absolutely ballistic when Martha McCullum presented him with the facts. Facts agreed upon by every investigating entity that looked into the matter, Fderal, State, and County.

Of course, this so called "Documentary" will give the "Dindunuffins" and potential "Sons of Obama" to go on extended midnight shopping sprees.

It would be interesting to find who funded this character so he could produce this bag of lies. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie your post was just another blatant racist rant by you, followed by other racists adding their comments. Fortunately people like you are the minority. I would suggest Mental Health testing for you, but first you have to admit you have a problem.
Jackie your post was just another blatant racist rant by you, followed by other racists adding their comments. Fortunately people like you are the minority. I would suggest Mental Health testing for you, but first you have to admit you have a problem. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

True to form, you just haul off and call everyone with whom you disagree a "racist" or a "fascist." That's just about the only thing you and that other forum-spamming idiot (Sistine Chapel) know how to do.

Fuck off, you uneducated, illiterate moron.
I saw that.

The guy should be out on a ledge somewhere. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Mebbe " Perfesser " stand-in-shit could join him on that ledge with a "deplorable " standing behind them to " kick start " their flying lessons ? !!!
StandinStraight's Avatar

True to form, you just haul off and call everyone with whom you disagree a "racist" or a "fascist." That's just about the only thing you and that other forum-spamming idiot (Sistine Chapel) know how to do.

Fuck off, you uneducated, illiterate moron. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
When Jackie included the line "potential sons of OBama" it reaped of racism. You would not see it that way because you are a racist too.
When Jackie included the line "potential sons of OBama" it reaped of racism. You would not see it that way because you are a racist too. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
"...REAPED OF....." ????? Wutz thet yew say " Perfesser " ???? You must be a "PERFESSER " of proctology, the way YOU keep YOUR head in YOUR ass !! Ya non-literate, non-spelling idiot !
  • DSK
  • 03-14-2017, 10:09 AM
I saw that.

The guy should be out on a ledge somewhere. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Then he should be shot.

True to form, you just haul off and call everyone with whom you disagree a "racist" or a "fascist." That's just about the only thing you and that other forum-spamming idiot (Sistine Chapel) know how to do.

Fuck off, you uneducated, illiterate moron. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
I pity his children having to look to his dumb ass for guideness in life
When Jackie included the line "potential sons of OBama" it reaped of racism. You would not see it that way because you are a racist too. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Fuck off, you uneducated, illiterate asshole.

You and StandinWithStupid (aka "Sistine Chapel") are the two biggest race-grievance mongers in this forum.

Oh, but you "teach" political science, don't you? LMAO!

Yeh, who wouldn't want their son to be a pot smoking punk, looking for houses he and his fellow thugs could break in too.