Is honking becoming an obsolete way of saying, "I'm here!"?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I picked up a friend last week to take to the airport and since it was afternoon, and she wasn't responding to my text that I sent her, I honked to let her know that I was there.

She became angry about it, fussed at me to not do it again and I apologized.

So I've thought about this for awhile. I know honking while on the road can be considered aggressive or rude. But am I old enough, and from a generation back, that I'm not aware of new etiquette with regard to honking my horn?

I believe that she overreacted. There were also yardmen around making a lot of noise with blowers and lawn mowers and so it wasn't like the neighborhood was being quiet at the time anyway.

Just curious.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-15-2011, 10:05 AM
Hey E,
I always Knock three times
On the ceiling if I want them.
Mmm-hmm, twice on the pipe
If the answer is no.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

That was cute!

armydude's Avatar
I think it would have been rude if it was 3am in the morning, because the neighbors may have been asleep. If it was during the day time, then no it was not rude at all. Nice friend you have there, you were nice enough to take her to the airport and she complains you honk your horn?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Oh gosh .. I LOVE Lupin. I would like to have SEX with that character! Wow. I just smiled.

Yes. I was aggravated. And it was a favor and it was in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. I was hot and waiting in the car for her. So I honked. Again, I thought perhaps the rules of etiquette had changed some, hence the question.

BTW, do you look anything LIKE that guy?

He had such a sweet way about him. Sounds silly, I know. I'm guilty of reading all of the Harry Potter books when they came out one by one.

Yes I think that it was rude, honking a horn any time is rude. the polite thing to do is get out of the car and knock on the door.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Your friend is ungrateful complainer.

If a friend asks you for a ride and you go to the bother of going to their house to pick them up, honking is just an indicator that you have arrived.

If she was offended by such a minor thing, then her problem is an exaggerated sense of self-importance, not your approach method.

You need better friends who are easier to get along with than the complaining one you have.
Lighten up a little.

Upon reading the circumstances of the events, I think a honk was just right.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
as my former Jewish boss use to say "honking is the Jewish doorbell"
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Your friend is ungrateful complainer.

If a friend asks you for a ride and you go to the bother of going to their house to pick them up, honking is just an indicator that you have arrived.

If she was offended by such a minor thing, then her problem is an exaggerated sense of self-importance, not your approach method.

You need better friends who are easier to get along with than the complaining one you have.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
No shit to all of the above! She should have responded to your text and the issue would not exist.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 10:20 PM
Yes I think that it was rude, honking a horn any time is rude. the polite thing to do is get out of the car and knock on the door. Originally Posted by Jackie Dallas
Maybe but the polite thing would have been to be ready when you asked a friend to take you to the airport.

We country boys honk once if you're pretty and twice if we're horny 'tain't nobody worth honking for a third time!
Boltfan's Avatar

You did nothing wrong. Nothing wrong with a short honk to let her know you have arrived, ESPECIALLY since she didn't bother to reply to your text.
horn honking is obnoxious, in the city, no one gets out of their car.They just idle in the street and honk the horn, anytime of the day.It sucks.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I was always taught growing up that it was rude to honk the horn at someone's house to announce your presence. The polite and proper thing to do was to go to the door.

That being said, I can't imagine it is more rude to honk the horn that it is to complain to someone who has offered your a free ride to the airport. That, too, is rude. And considerably more rude, in my opinion, than a quick tap of the horn to announce your presence. But I'd still get out and ring the doorbell the next time you volunteer to take someone else to the airport. (Of course, there would never be another time to take the same person to the airport. She can walk to the fuckin' airport from now to eternity, as far as I would be concerned.)
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks for all of the comments! I sincerely appreciate the input.

Take care and moderators, can you please close this thread for me?

Again, thanks for the input!
