Dr Krauthammer

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Even though most of it was truth as I know it to be, I was advised this to be another fabrication email. My apologies for not doing due diligence - I am usually better than that.
Thanks for this post. Kratuhammer is an astute guy who calls it like he sees em.

Your post (and Krauthammer's views) confirm just how dangerous Obama is, and how important it is that he be defeated now and in November 2012.

I disagree with #2. I don't believe he has the skill set that Krauthammer aludes to.. he has been highly enabled by MSM which didn't do thier job of vetting Obama during the 2008 election. Although Krauthammer is spot on regarding "pay attention to what he does, not what he says." Obama is a bait and switch politican of the highest order. He makes slick Bill look like an amature. And he has a complicit MSM to aide him.

BTW; did he provide any opinon on the Tea Party movement?