Another facebook tragedy in my neighborhood

That makes 4 divorces in my subdivision that began because somebody found an old BF/GF on facebook. Has anybody else seen this happen in their world?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
No, I have not seen that happen among friends of mine, but social networks have more unseen power than most people realize.

Facebook was instrumental in overthrowing entrenched dictatorships in the middle east.

I doubt that anyone foresaw such potent consequence from what appears to be fairly innocuous websites.

. . . Nevertheless, most marriages still end in divorce so if it wasn't the Facebook incident, it would have some other trivial reason for breaking up.
I don't have one and I never will. If it's any consequence, the marriages couldn't have been that strong int the first place.
In the forbidden county here you can actually use FB in a divorce preceding. It is a trend that is picking up and not in a good way.

As far as the strength of those marriages? I won't speculate, however, once an outsider gets in and gets in good, it doesn't really matter. Ask Anna Murdoc h or Joyce Cher ry....