
Well today I was on STG and have seen this ad for a few weeks.http://mobile.skipthegames.com/femal...9/229647494874 ,so I said what the hell,called the number which was a text mail number,while it was ringing I get a message,Age and race,so I replied back,she said 60 for a quickie,gave me address of apartment complex,told me to go to building xx and middle stairway and text her when I get there,so I arrived and she told me to go to apt #xx and give her babysitter 20 dollars,I told her hell no and I left,if her baby sitter needed money she could have paid her when I left, something was fishy,never heard back
The perfect scam glad nothing happen and you didn’t fall for it could have been jumped for the rest of your cash
Thanks for the warning
You handled that very well I'm glad you didn't get hurt or lose any money. There's only two things I would add here and I make this an absolute written in stone rule. I never bring my wallet or my phone to the room only myself the cash I'm going to spend and my pistol. If the provider has a problem with the pistol I shrug my shoulders and leave usually that changes their mind and everything is okay if they are on the up-and-up if not I just keep walking money saved and a problem averted. If any texting is going to go on that happens from the car I never expose myself fumbling around with the phone in my hand in a stairwell or any sort of place where I'm not protected. Also never any money up front unless I have seen the provider before and know them to be reputable and reliable again if this hurts their feelings I walk out the door and don't have a problem I don't mind explaining that I have been scammed and recieve terrible service enough times to never pay in advance if they don't want to play after that then I keep walking again I save a lot of money and problems this way. Thanks so much for the report I really appreciate it and I'm glad that you're okay. MJ