Rebecca of Dallas NC/NS

lionheart's Avatar
Here is a link to previous post in the west texas forum...seems relevant here since she operates out of Dallas.
That was her down fall till she worked for Private Connections.

I guess I am allowed to reply because you put this in discussion area. Lubbock for me was fun. I met a lot of great new friends and was able to catch up with old ones. But let me tell you how crazy it was. The day I was there mother nature decided Lubbock had not had enough snow for the year. So she dumped enough snow that caused most of my friends to cancel then they all tried to reschedule the next day. When ever you travel you might leave certain things behind.F.Y.I Power cord to your computer should not be one of these things. So scrambling trying to make everyone happy while answering emails off a palm centro (note to self get a i phone) you might get confused, again this is not an excuse for standing anyone up. Now Lion heart I did call you. I talked to you very nice explained I was sorry and told you everything that was going on. You then told me this happened to you with another girl but your not going to post about it . You were very mean on the phone and went on and on. I just kept saying I was sorry. People know me, if someone is mean to me I will say anything. I did say I would give you an appointment if your in Dallas. But I got to thinking about it. Here I am on the phone with you for over an hour telling you how sorry I am and the truth about what is going on. How I was trying to accommodate my reschedules and you were berating me about how this happened to you before and you should have posted it. Where is that post Lion Heart? Why just threaten me with a bad review?
I felt a little singled out. Sometimes I feel like guys just wait for Rebecca of Dallas to do one thing wrong. I don't want any white knights and we can't please everyone all the time. If this happened in Lubbock it should stay just with Lubbock..

The actual parties involved have had their say.