Hollywood Refuses to Back Film Depicting African American Heroes

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I thought Hollywood was tolerant. Apparently the sanctimonious liberals in the film industry are really racists underneath it all. Why not produce a movie depicting true African American, no, American heroes who happen to be black? I'd love to see this movie! The Tuskegee Airmen were amazing!


Iaintliein's Avatar

A couple of years ago I was on a flight out of DFW, low and behold, the Tuskegee Airmen had just had a reunion and several were on the plane! Just being able to shake their hands and listen to them talking amongst themselves about the old days was a very, very rare treat.

I guess their story doesn't fit the anti-American agenda.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I thought Hollywood was tolerant. Apparently the sanctimonious liberals in the film industry are really racists underneath it all. Why not produce a movie depicting true African American, no, American heroes who happen to be black? I'd love to see this movie! The Tuskegee Airmen were amazing!


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Love to see it? Then go see it.

It's not about production or racism. It's about distribution. And money.

George Lucas is pissed because he had to use his own money. Talk about assholes. He is worth close to a billion dollars. He has to take the risk of not getting it back. He knows it may not do well in Europe where 60% of the receipts come from. There are only so many theaters. The distributers want maximum return (just like everybody else) from those theaters.

Other producers/backers were not willing to spend the money Lucas wanted to because they know they might not get it back. And George doesn't cut corners on his visions.
Compare the cost of Red Tails to the cost of making the original Tuskegee Airmen (Laurence Fishburn).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's racism. Pure and simple. You just can't see it through your liberal rose-colored glasses where whatever professing liberals do is snow white and pure, and whatever non-liberals do is always evil and destructive. Your true colors are showing, Munch.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It's racism. Pure and simple. You just can't see it through your liberal rose-colored glasses where whatever professing liberals do is snow white and pure, and whatever non-liberals do is always evil and destructive. Your true colors are showing, Munch. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I have never tried to hide them. And they aren't liberal, they're anti-bullshit. I guess that's why we butt heads. You don't even have to dig for a post that shows you're full of shit. Read my post in "an open letter..." with the take on slavery and the Constitution.


You wear the "either or" glasses. One side is perfect, the other destroying our country. The problem is, as you yourself mentioned it, you flip-flop. And you project your persona onto others. Like the phrase that defines your life. Pure and simple. Pure bullshit and simple minded (you even used "pure" to describe my opinion that is your interpretation of it (my opinion)).
You accept anything that supports your momentary position, regardless of the item/person/etc. past history. George Lucas for example. He couldn't be more of a liberal. All of a sudden he says Hollywood is racist. Strange he never said that before. Strange he only says it when he had to put up his own money. Not so strange this is the only time you have ever agreed with him.
Hollywood is one of the few places the playing field is about as level as it is ever going to be, race wise. You ignored the information in the article you posted...except for the racist part.
You ignored one of your oft-stated universal rules, and about the only one that is correct, that it is always about the money.

It usually is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then you support the Hollywood profiteers in their suppression of a positive African American movie? Interesting.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Then you support the Hollywood profiteers in their suppression of a positive African American movie? Interesting. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Suppression, huh?

Even you can't spin an explanation for suppression.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What about suppression do you not understand?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What about suppression do you not understand? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I understand the word. I don't understand why you think suppression is the term for not giving G. Lucas money.....

You almost got me.

You don't think.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, at least you're fun.
I get how they think it would not be a profitable endeavor. I would more than likeyely watch a documentary than see a movie about it in theaters.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I get how they think it would not be a profitable endeavor. I would more than likeyely watch a documentary than see a movie about it in theaters. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
If they were really good at marketing, they would include a 30-45 minute documentary with the film in the way newsreels were played before features during the war. That would be a great!
No proof that this has anything to do with racism; but pure capitalism. If the movie concept was worthy of making a ROI, then there are plenty of capitalist (in Hollywood and elsewhere) who would fund this thing.

Lucas is a very wealthy man he could finance it from his spare change jar. This is just narcisistic BS from a Hollywood leftie trying to gain attention for his concept.
  • Laz
  • 01-12-2012, 04:28 PM
It is racist in the sense of how they percieve the general populations racist attitudes are.

I actually think that people of all races that know anything about the Tuskegee Airmen will be interested in the movie. Those that like military action films will be interested regardless of the race of the characters. The historical significance of the unit adds to the appeal.

How it will do overseas I am not sure since it will not have the historical impact that it does in the US. I will see it because I expect Lucas did a good job of making it exciting and I am a WWII history buff. That units accomplishments were impressive.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It is racist in the sense of how they percieve the general populations racist attitudes are.

I actually think that people of all races that know anything about the Tuskegee Airmen will be interested in the movie. Those that like military action films will be interested regardless of the race of the characters. The historical significance of the unit adds to the appeal.

How it will do overseas I am not sure since it will not have the historical impact that it does in the US. I will see it because I expect Lucas did a good job of making it exciting and I am a WWII history buff. That units accomplishments were impressive. Originally Posted by Laz
I'll watch it for sure. After it comes to HBO.
Costs too much in a theater.

I've seen a couple of trailers for the movie. The computer animations are fantastic and look to be next generation after Avatar.

Dawn Patrol
Flying Leathernecks
Strategic Air Command
Blue Max
Star Wars
Top Gun

The flying sequences just keep getting better, The original Tuskegee Airmen was a TV movie and had nowhere near the budget a theatrical release had. It still had WWII footage. The Red Tails, from what I heard, is all animations for aircraft going down, etc. Big Bucks.
Lucas does a very good job on all of his movies, production-wise. He spends the money needed to do a next level job.
James Cameron is a guy at Lucas' level.