January 16, 2012, Republican Debate

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This should be interesting. I think Romney will still win, because people seem to think it's inevitable. But Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul stole the debate tonight. Newt was exceptionally brilliant. If he could be consistent, he might be a real contender. Perry sounded better, too, but Santorum sounds like the playground tattletale that everybody wishes would go home. I think he will after this primary.

Finally, the candidates were asked about NDAA. Both Ron Paul and Rick Santorum said they opposed it, while Romney said he supported it. They didn't ask Gingrich or Perry. I would have like to learn what Gingrich thought about it, but he'd change his mind in a week or two anyway.

Romney was awful. He seemed like a deer in the headlights, and rarely addressed a question straight on. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would vote for him. Not even Obama makes Romney look good enough to vote for.

This election will truly suck.
I liked Ron Paul's new eyebrows although most sources say his performance lost him ground.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Way to hit the issues, Stevie. Thanks for your insight.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Newt is too smart for his own good. He's the typical "idiot-savant". His brilliance is over-shadowed by the fact he's too vain to realize most average American's don't like him on an esoteric, yet personal level. Simply put, Gingrich can't connect with the voters he will need to beat Obama. He also has way too much baggage from his past that also turns voters off.

Ron Paul's fault is that he is just too candid about his foreign policy positions. He shoots from the hip, but then he has to clarify his positions in the post debate spin. He comes across as they type of politician who would risk the nation's defense by weakening our position in the world. While I agree with his intent, his delivery of his message is reckless. He needs to re-assure American's that he will reduce our global footprint without weakening our international commitments or national defense. BTW, why isn't any of these candidates saying the right thing when it comes to the military? The big no-brainer solution to some of our military expenses is to close 90% of our overseas bases, get out of Europe, Japan and Korea while ending the silly military operations in support of the idiotic war on drugs.

As for Romney, poll after poll show one thing, he is the most electable GOP candidate. He is currently beating Obama in the polls. Once his nomination becomes inevitable, the rank and file GOP will rally behind him. This happens all the time with both parties. There is angst and fear during the primaries but come the convention, everyone is one big happy family with on single goal in mind-- winning the White House.

Finally, things are not looking good for Obama. Unemployment will again rise over the coming months. The economy is still sluggish. The GOP will bash Obama at every turn concerning the debt ceiling increase. Finally, as tensions with Iran increase, gas prices are headed North. This will be a replay of 2008. Gas prices will soar during the crucial phases of the election. I give it a 50-50 shot the economy will be in recession come election day.