Young and hobbying.

Mr No Confidence's Avatar
I know I'm not the only one here still in his twenties, so I pose this question to yall young guys. Why do you "hobby" at such a young age? I hope I don't come off as judgmental, but I find the idea of "pussy with no strings" a cop-out. If you're not married to a woman then there is no strings. If you're married and 20-something then that's one thing (..and I'm sorry that woman got you ..hahah). But really, what's stopping you from getting a "civilian" lady to "screw" you? Looks? Can't talk to ladies? Lets be real here. Just wondering. Maybe I'm missing something here about this whole hobby thing ... but I love the chase of getting a woman.

Hey, if you just love to pay more power to you. God bless you.

Ladies, sorry if I come off as a dog .. I just don't think pussy is better then my gold. I paid for it once and it felt like someone molested my pockets. But I really do respect your hustles. God bless you all.

If this topic has been done before .. so what, I don't live on this site. Thanks for reading and God bless you.
Not worth responding to!
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
Not worth responding to! Originally Posted by italian1

Sorry to have struck a nerve. Have a good day.
  • T-Can
  • 04-22-2010, 09:11 AM
I'm 32 but started when I was 29. I'm just tired of the crazy bitches that come along with dating - maybe I just pick the wrong girls to take home.

In the past 6 months, I've had 5 different exes/flings show up to my place without notice of any kind wanting to talk! WTF! A few of those times I was in the company of other women (not providers) that made it difficult for me to explain why they just showed up to those ladies! I'm sure they thought that I'm just a slut! Haha!

Since I started in my late, late 20's in hobbying, my comments might be irrelevant to you early 20's guys. I would have never considered hobbying at that age but I was a titty bar whore - usually between relationships.

CanDo +1

In addition, if you count all the costs (not just the benjamins) hobbying is probably cheaper than having a real world GF.

The moral of the story - You pay for it one way or the other...
Mr. No Confidence,

I am confused.

If you are not wanting to P4P, then why are you here? And why ask the question?

For each there is a personal reason, if they care to share, they will. Please keep this thread to the subject and respectful. I am certain it will be informative.

Some men want to take the edge off their dating lives~ it keeps them from being intimate with a civilian just because they're horny (and then being stuck with an "insta girlfriend" if it's a girl they don't really like; or having rushed a relationship with a possible future wife if it's a girl they do really like.)

Yes, I've been told this by men. It allows them to date the way they want. One told me he only sees providers when he's between girlfriends.

Another idea~some men's time is worth too much to waste going to bars and spending time hoping to find someone.

(In that case, it's like me going to buy a dress at Nordstrom. Yes, I could sew one for half the price, but it would take time which is a cost in itself.)
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
I started when I was in my early 20s. Why? I moved here right after college and I worked crazy hours. It was not uncommon for me to work 80-90 hours in week as things were in full expand mode. P4P offered me a way to get some physical satisfaction without expending a great deal of time trying in the civie market.
You pay for it one way or another, directly or indirectly.

If I am spending the money, I want to be sure I get what I want not THINK I am getting it.

On the other hand, it keeps you "less desperate" when I am actually courting a normal person. Desperation seldom get you anywhere (top, bottom or behind )
pmdelites's Avatar
slightly related, but ... hobbying or not, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s or not,

it is nice to have someone to be with at the end of the day and in the morning, intimate activities or not.

and think about what life will be like in your 70s or 80s WITHOUT a partner/wife/companion, etc. lots of research has shown that having a partner in life makes life worth living and adds years to your life. as long as you and that partner get along well.
gptxman's Avatar
In addition, if you count all the costs (not just the benjamins) hobbying is probably cheaper than having a real world GF.

The moral of the story - You pay for it one way or the other... Originally Posted by spindrifter
You pay for it one way or another, directly or indirectly.

If I am spending the money, I want to be sure I get what I want not THINK I am getting it.

On the other hand, it keeps you "less desperate" when I am actually courting a normal person. Desperation seldom get you anywhere (top, bottom or behind ) Originally Posted by blap blap
I am not in my 20s anymore and I did just start hobbing recently but I have to agree with these two that you pay one way or another. Like a lot of guys here on the board state providers are paid to leave after the fun and not for the fun.

I was married in my early 20's and then again in my late 20s and during both of these marriages I can tell you that the cost for real world pussy is much higher than a provider. I can also tell you that if you find the right provider play time will be better than most real world girls can provide. Now with this said I still do my share of home pussy (SO), and real world pussy (swinger pussy) but this is just something a little extra every now and then to enjoy.
dallasfanboy's Avatar
I'm still in my 20s, and going to be for a while at least =). Anyways, I started because I didn't have time to chase around for girls when I was in college and working a full time job. I wanted to cut through all the BS and just to relieve some stress. Now I don't hobby so often, but once in a while I do have the urge to go out and explore the hobby world. I do say this, it's much cheaper than dating and a lot less drama (depends on who you're seeing of course). I do have a rule though, I only hobby when I'm single, so when I have a GF, I don't mess with a good thing going.
Well spoken Honey Rose!
You're THE BEST!!!
Ron Mexico's Avatar
I just turned 31 and I still date, so my sex life isn't confined to the hobby. Why do I hobby? The short answer is, because I can. I have a job that pays well enough and the hobby has replaced some of the vices I had when I was younger. Most men pay for sex one way or another whether it's buying gifts, paying cover, dates, trips, etc.

I don't understand how someone in his twenties wouldn't understand why other twentysomethings hobby. Sometimes you just want sex without the games and the bullshit. The way you talk, it doesn't sound like you date. All of my friends got married in their twenties and most are miserable. They're stuck with wives that have let themselves go and now have sex with them on occasion. Why would I sign up for that? Some of them have gotten divorced and are paying for pussy they're not even fucking anymore.

Right now all I want is sex. In my experience most civilian girls want a relationship. Even if you're up front and tell them all you want is sex, at some point during the "arrangement" they get emotional and start asking if sex all you want them for. There are so many more reasons that I won't even get into it here. If you know of this magical land where women are willing to have no strings attached sex, then please point me in the direction. Until I find that place, the hobby will suffice.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 04-22-2010, 01:55 PM
MrNoC, I don't have the time to read what's in your other 56 posts, but tell me they are not all probing questions like this one? If you're just curious, or just finding this a way to generate a little sexual tension and spice up your mental life - no problem. Interesting question, actually.

If you're an academic or researching a serious book - cool.

If you're a local news reporter working on a prostitution angle for the upcoming sweeps. Fuck you.

If you're a law enforcement officer - this is all in fun, sir.

Assuming it's the first of those possibilities, the reasons a young man might choose to purchase sex short-term are sort of obvious, aren't they. I know you said you enjoy the chase and capture, but surely you can imagine men who don't. Not too many men may come on here and say, "Women make me nervous but I still want sex," but you know it is common.

As noted above, some guys are very busy pursuing their professional development. We may debate whether they are wise to live such focused lives, but they still want sex, and some companionship if it doesn't require distraction from the normal course of their interests.

Between girlfriends is going to be common. A lot of so-called civie relationships come to an end and guys who were getting good sex don't want to go cold-turkey. Purchasing sex is an option for them. Some may have a regular provider whom they visit between girlfriends.

Often after a relationship ends (often badly) these guys don't want to begin the hunt so soon, with all it entails. So add them to another group of men who have gone thru the bust and boom cycle often enough that they decide that the emotional wear and tear isn't worth it. So they step out of the civie circle entirely. I would imagine that most are well out of their 20's before that happens, most of the time.

The very forthright Mr Mexico (above) represents what it probably a niche market -- younger men who have made the effort to become sexual connoisseurs. On the Bell Curve of sexual interest they are down on the skinny end toward the right. They are rare, too, (I think) in that they are sharp and have the kind of confidence that often only comes with age. They know where they itch and they know where to get it scratched.

The older guys will tell ya that they do it because mamma don't give it to 'em at home, or the spark has gone and they want to find it again. It's probably true sometimes.