Messed Up Fonts in Ad Titles & Text

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
How do people feel about mIxEd fOntS/colors/symbols in ad headlines and/or content?

Personally, I find it irritating and usually skip the ads... but maybe that's just me.

Thought I would throw up a simple poll to sample the feeling of the community so those who use this technique will see if it's effective in this forum.

runswithscissors's Avatar
Absolutely drives me crazy.....I will glance at the ad and completely ignore it. I really do not understand the logic behind it. I don't mind different colors or bold type, but not the mixed up fonts.....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It's my guess that those who are familiar with my writings know what I think. But I still do look at the ads now and on occasion.

Interesting topic!
CoHorn's Avatar
The problem is most of the girls that use that technique don't read these threads. They just post their ads and get off the site. They simply don't know most people here don't like them. I have a few younger friends on Facebook and their posts are riddled with it.

I'm an old fart, don't make it more confusing for me. Tell me what I need to know as simply as possible.
I love them! They make all you gentlemen skip those ads and go straight to mine

Actually, my opinion is as well known as the cartoon I usually post in response.

Lana Warren's Avatar
Oh, don't get me started on these types of ads! Though they may catch the reader's attention, it's very hard to decipher! Hurts my eyes for one! I guess this English teacher needs to give a class on Ads 101!
Lana Warren's Avatar
I love them! They make all you gentlemen skip those ads and go straight to mine

Actually, my opinion is as well known as the cartoon I usually post in response.

Originally Posted by Dharma

Spoken like a true smart ass! LOL! I love it, girl!
@ Lana~ If threads like this aren't "Ads 101" enough for them, don't worry about it. I save my energy for my clients Speaking of which, lunch time is over and I'm headed back to the office. Have a tremendous day!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I can't bear to read it. The aversion is immediate, the pain sharp. Needless to say, I skip both the ad and the provider. Odd, though, that I'll suffer it in a review. No, not a gender thing. It's just that reviews have importance to me, ads don't.
GneissGuy's Avatar
They're great!

Yet another case of "self posted alerts." Think of them as

"***Hi iM Cra!Gsl1st tra$H wh0 u5uAllY hAs mY aDs wR1tt3n bY My p!mP***"
They're great!

Yet another case of "self posted alerts." Think of them as

"***Hi iM Cra!Gsl1st tra$H wh0 u5uAllY hAs mY aDs wR1tt3n bY My p!mP***" Originally Posted by GneissGuy
GneissGuy , That was a very pimp like self posted alert / statement !! You seem to be very good at it !! LOL !! Just kidding !

Seriously though,,ads written like these stink,cannot be read properly , are a real sore to the eye and a huge pain in the butt !
Torito's Avatar
I agree with all that was written. These ads also tell me something about the thought patterns and attitudes of the poster. Not someone I want to be in the room with. So why read the irritating crap.

TexTushHog's Avatar
I use the much the same way as I use adds with poor grammar -- as a screening tool to decide who not to see.
Sadly i'm a typography nerd so it bugs the hell out of me.
Dharma...We ALWAYS find your ads!!!