South Austin?

TemptationTammie's Avatar
I'm planning on being in south Austin later this afternoon.
I'm debating if I should get a room for one night or just come home after my 'social' plans?
If you know of a reason for me to stay, PM me before noon so I can make arrangements.
Whispers's Avatar
A solicitation for prostitution tied to today's social or are you concerned for traffic?
ck1942's Avatar
Didn't you say back when that EVERY post by a lady constitutes solicitation?

Ya know...the same thing could be said of ANY post a guy makes on a "hooker" board.
Little Monster's Avatar
Whispers's Avatar
I didn't think you allowed prostitution to occur in connection with the socials.

You know. To prevent a repeat of the last one that got raided.
ck1942's Avatar
2009 is almost six years ago, sir. In Houston. Not in San Antonio, Austin or any of the several other place where I have hosted.

And the "solicitation" was done by the several UCs that the venue admitted since the LEOs threatened the venue liquor license.

12 out of the 125 people still inside fell for it.

The others walked out scot free since they follow the rules, which Ms Tammie has done as long as I have known her.

Too bad you don't understand how the elements of the law come into play, because if you did you would know that even an open offer right here in this forum meaning

an offer of sex for money or an offer of money for sex

must have real persons attached to both ends.

Not "personas."

Ask your criminal attorney buddies if you have any to 'splain it to ya.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
A solicitation for prostitution tied to today's social or are you concerned for traffic? Originally Posted by Whispers
I asked a simple question hun. Not necessarily looking for an appt. If that were the case, I would have posted in the SNATCH thread that I was available down there.
A reason for me to stay in south Austin could have been an after party or even hanging out with a group or one on one (ladies or gents). I left it open because there were a few ladies I wanted to talk with and if they didn't come to the social we could have met up for drinks afterwards.
Since I won't drink & drive, I would have felt better at a hotel or someplace where I wouldn't have to drive afterwards.
As for being concerned about traffic, I HATE Austin traffic!! And don't like driving too late.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Very well put Tammie. Some people just can't help themselves from being negative.
Passion2015's Avatar
I didn't find that as a part of solicitation at all. Are as on for staying south could be to go to the ACL. Let's not over read or assume someone's intent. Have fun and be safe
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Damn, you mean this is a prostitute site? And I thought it was " Days of our Lives"

Cat in the Hat's Avatar
Damn, you mean this is a prostitute site? And I thought it was " Days of our Lives"

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
For some it is.

Bozo the Clown was playing till Toyz got banned.
Whispers's Avatar
I asked a simple question hun. Not necessarily looking for an appt. If that were the case, I would have posted in the SNATCH thread that I was available down there.
A reason for me to stay in south Austin could have been an after party or even hanging out with a group or one on one (ladies or gents). I left it open because there were a few ladies I wanted to talk with and if they didn't come to the social we could have met up for drinks afterwards.
Since I won't drink & drive, I would have felt better at a hotel or someplace where I wouldn't have to drive afterwards.
As for being concerned about traffic, I HATE Austin traffic!! And don't like driving too late. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie

You announce that you're going to the party followed by a statement that you will get a room if there's a good reason for it.

I would think that if anyone with Ellie was looking in if you would have set yourself up as a target to be approached and quiried if you still needed a reason to get a room.

Stranger things have been known to happen.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Damn, you mean this is a prostitute site? And I thought it was " Days of our Lives"

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
No shit. Makes you wonder what this site was built for.

They offer it. We buy it. Funny how that works out.