Trump Ending The Global Warming Scam...

Finally. This has gone on way too long. How this issue received so much attention when it consistently rated at the bottom of concerns among Americans and other people.

“President-Elect Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt is a breath of fresh air. No longer do we have to suffer under President Obama’s ridiculous EPA ‘climate’ regulations. It is also refreshing that a Republican President is not throwing the EPA over to the green activists and the media by appointing a weak administrator...."

C02 is NOT a pollutant! Hopefully everyone's electric and heating bills will be going down soon. BTW, being "anti-aGW" is not being "anti-green".
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump won, correct?
I hear tell of it. How's the recount going? The undermining of the electors?

There are a lot of Dims freaking.
Finally. This has gone on way too long. How this issue received so much attention when it consistently rated at the bottom of concerns among Americans and other people.

“President-Elect Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt is a breath of fresh air. No longer do we have to suffer under President Obama’s ridiculous EPA ‘climate’ regulations. It is also refreshing that a Republican President is not throwing the EPA over to the green activists and the media by appointing a weak administrator...."

C02 is NOT a pollutant! Hopefully everyone's electric and heating bills will be going down soon. BTW, being "anti-aGW" is not being "anti-green". Originally Posted by gnadfly
Trump's choice must have Al Gore fouling his Depends !! For that alone, it's a good choice. And considering how odummer's EPA has really taken it to those of us that live in Texas with their power plant, oil patch and " water ways " over-reaching edicts, I'm glad to see the enviro-nazi's get " the finger " and the boot out of that branch of government ! Now, on to the IRS and INjustice Department !
LexusLover's Avatar
How's the recount going? The undermining of the electors? Originally Posted by gnadfly
The most recent report I heard had a 100 or so vote discrepancy after three counties were hand recounted in HillaryNoMore's favor, but that leaves a lot of Red counties yet to be recounted.

Friday is "dooms day" in Federal court, where, unlike the media, there is a level of admissible evidence supporting a claim of Russian "hacking" turning the results in Trump's favor.

Did I mention sanctions for filing spurious claims?

Someone forgot to tell the Libs a couple of things:
#1 Federal Judges are not elected.
#2 Federal Judges get appointments from the existing President with confirmation from the existing Republican controlled Senate.
bambino's Avatar
The recount is over in Michigan. Federal judge shit canned it.
LexusLover's Avatar
The recount is over in Michigan. Federal judge shit canned it. Originally Posted by bambino
That was my belief when the media gave it their best spin.

They can appeal the "shit can," but the appellate standard is HIGH!