Providers with Husbands or Boyfriends... turn off?

Caitlyn's Avatar
Back in the day, I was notorious for putting my whole life on display. from the men I dated, to where I lived, etc. Don't ask me why I was like that, call it being young, inexperienced, and wet behind the ears.

These days, I'm pretty paranoid, and careful. I watch who I see, watch what I say, and I am pretty private to a fault.

Then again....

There are those relationships with certain clients I have known for years, that I am extremely comfortable with. Let's just say, I let the cat out of the bag, and may have said a little too much this afternoon, regarding my "relationship" status. Even though this man is married... and even though he has been a client of mine for (going on ) 8 years... he was seriously upset by the fact I was "engaged"-- He told me when I got married, he didn't think he could bring himself to see me anymore.

So, I am a little confused. Is it the whole fantasy thing, where you guys pretend we are single? Does it make you feel better, if you give us your money for a service, if we don't have a significant other? I don't get it. Most all of my clients are married...

Does it bother you when your favorite provider is involved?
JohnJohn's Avatar
Married provider=total turn on!

Wear the ring, tell me we shouldn't be doing this because your husband might be home any minute and it makes me hotter. Hell, if you're not married, lie to me anyway and I'll believe it temporarily. Roleplay is just lying/acting out hot possibilities
Caitlyn's Avatar
For the most part, don't ask, don't tell is my policy. For me, its part of the illusion that your available. I know the reality is many providers to have an SO. I just dont to want to have to deal with that. If I had seen you several times and we had a good working realtionship I don't think you being married would stop me from coming back but it would change how I saw the relationship. Much the same with strippers.
mattman's Avatar
I'm with John John, I think the fact that you are "attached" makes you a little more of a forbidden fruit. I love the excitement of being somewhere, with someone, where i probably shouldn't be.
I'm with John John, I think the fact that you are "attached" makes you a little more of a forbidden fruit. I love the excitement of being somewhere, with someone, where i probably shouldn't be. Originally Posted by mattman
Rangerman55's Avatar
Don't particularly care as long as I don't have to hear about them. I really don't like to hear a lot of talk about a new boyfriend or lover...especially how hot they are & things of that nature.

I too am surprised what kind of personal info providers will offer up, unsolicited.
Well i know for a few gents i have come in contact with they ask right up frount are you married or do you have a boyfriend i always give an honest answer. I would rather them choose to see me by being truthful than hiding the fact that i am in a relationship and have been for many years. Im sure it has to do with the fantsay of us being totaly single and 100% available to them. It sometimes makes me think what if i did not choose to see married guys or what if we all choose not to see married or attatched guys. That takes a huge chuck out of the hobbiest that we would deal with on the norm. Crazy how things work like that !
it shouldn't matter, as long as we have fun, what does it matter..........
Guest091314's Avatar
Providers like everyone else have the devine right to have true companionship, but I think that should stay out of the hobby completely. I do my best to never mention my dating life at all as I feel it ruins the vibe.

Of coarse the illusion is that were are hot, single and 100% available to men and the fact that you can attain us is really hot.

Then there is the hotness factor of having something you are not suppose to have...

Different strokes for different folks, just let me know beforehand if it is your cup of tea and lets see how hot we can get it.
Ghostdncer's Avatar
Honestly? I don't really think it's anyone's business but your own whether you're dating someone or not.

The value of privacy can't be overstated enough. If that's a deal breaker for a potential client, well...tough.

Everyone has the right find a companion in life, date, and be happy. Irregardless of what you do for a living.
Bestman200600's Avatar
All providers have or need someone special in their life. There are times when they need a shoulder to put their head one. Times when you have to go pick them up and take them to the hospital because their sick as a dog. No woman could keep her head screwed on straight if the only men in her life were one hour hobby dates. All woman want to feel that they are special and want that attention from the right man.
I love seeing a provider who is in a relationship. i love it even more when they are married and wear their ring. It is so god-damned sexy it drives me nuts seeing her left hand wrapped around my dick.

So - yeah, some people like providers in a relationship. EXCEPT - for some reason, the committed lesbian relationship doesn't do anything for me. Not that I have anything against it. But it seems less forbidden to mess around with a "taken" lesbian than fucking a married provider.

I just love to think about how she answers when he asks, "So, how was your day? Anything interesting happen?"
Hard to believe he's seen you for 8 years and he now wants to leave you...have to wonder about the relationship the two of you had...the ol' double's OK for him to be married but not you?
Lookin' for love in all the wrong places....
I know its a really bad double-standard, but a guy who has been married a long time and sees providers will convince himself he's being more ethical than a provider who is engaged and about to be married. As for me, I leave it to Ronnie Van Zandt to verbalize my thoughts on this:

"So, Don't Ask Me No Questions, And I Won't Tell You No Lies,
So Don't Ask Me Bout My Business, And I Won't Tell You Goodbye."