Keirsey Temperament of Hobbyists and Providers

shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 04-30-2012, 07:19 PM
Today, I was asked if I was a "white knight" for a certain provider and, as I was writing my reply, I realized that my posting tendencies reflect some of the characteristics of my personality type (ENFP / Idealist/Champion). This got me thinking about my "hobbying style" in general and I could see some influence and correlation there as well.

One area of note was my proclivity to arrange my visits on the same day or even last minute. I do not like being tied to a schedule and as such find that I have no issue with a provider being slow to respond, tell me, "sorry babe, not available," or even fail to reply. This has worked well for me and I have rarely encountered a "mechanical" or boring provider. However, I can imagine that this would be infuriating to another type, such as an a ENTJ.

Is anyone familiar with their Keirsey or Myers-Briggs personality type? Are you willing to share?


P.S. links to free, shortened versions of the tests:


Keirsey Temperment Sorter:
OldGrump's Avatar
It's been years since I studied mine, but I vary between INTP and INTJ and I analyze the shit out of everything.
Daen1304's Avatar
I never have the time to finish the test.
OldGrump's Avatar
I never have the time to finish the test. Originally Posted by Daen1304
That's funny, Daen.

Maybe you should take this test:
I'm an ENFJ, but when things get too much for me I'm an INTJ. I can be a bit of a hermit sometimes. I always feel needed being the eldest of so many, so now I seek out collaborators more than anything. I tend to gravitate to people who I can learn something from in all areas of life. I get along very well with intuitive people, Old Grump.
INFP here, not that I remember what all of that means. I like for everybody to get along, value harmony over conflict, and want everyone to be happy.
ISFJ- whatever that means. I know I tend to gravitate towards those that I can learn from as well... I enjoy having my mind stimulated and being around people that can actually hold a conversation. Id rather just be a hermit as well and avoid people that I cant relate to or have no desire to be around.

I think the sensing part is correct. With the gentlemen I see... i try to sense how they want things or their desires and i let that determine my next move. I am a pleaser...

Shlub- i understand how personality can cause others to misjudge. I am very outgoing, refuse to be walked all over, and I am very opinionated. Which some take as drama. So in order to not be considered drama.. I have to allow others to walk all over me. Tried that... wasnt me. So now I have learn to just bite my tongue and look at WHY they feel the need.. which is their own insecurities... Funny thing is.. my real life is drama-free. You can control who youre around in real life... on here, not so much.
Sleepy363's Avatar
My results said : DATY

Whatever that means.
Mine is ESTJ. Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging. Basically, it says that I'm an outspoken leader who works hard for power, position and prestige. I thrive on order and continuity, almost never late to appointments, enjoy organizing and mobilizing people according to my own theories and agendas.
That's pretty much true...except it says that I like 'tradition' which is not true.
Oooo...and look! : "Service, the tangible expression of responsibility, is another key focus for ESTJs. They love to provide and to receive good service. The ESTJ merchant who provides dependable service has done much to enhance her self image." LOL!
INTJ here. I think too much.
INFP. It says, "INFPs are flexible and laid-back, until one of their values is violated. In the face of their value system being threatened, INFPs can become aggressive defenders, fighting passionately for their cause". Sounds about right!! Except for the part about being a perfectionist. I'm not even close LOL

We're supposed to be fairly talented writers, as well. Very interesting!
I wish I could be more laid back sometimes. I'm always too hyper and energetic, always doing something, going somewhere. But the good thing is I'm full of passion in EVERYTHING that I do. I inspire a lot of people...especially in playing competitive sports. I love it when a friend of mine texted me last week thanking me for motivating him to play competitive tennis. :-)
pmdelites's Avatar
My results said : DATY

Whatever that means. Originally Posted by still-asleep

according to the humanmetrics sample test.
ENTP - Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences % 1 12 1 11
  • "usually non-conformists in the workplace" - yep! different is my middle name.
  • "tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoy playing devil's advocate" - yep! but now i've turned to more questioning to make sure i know what the person is talking about before playing devil's advocate.
  • "are basically optimists ... ENTPs have little patience with those they consider wrongheaded or unintelligent, and show little restraint in demonstrating this. In general, however, they are genial, even charming, when not being harassed by life." - yep!
  • "are capable of bonding very closely and suddenly with their loved ones" - yep!

The best approach in communicating with an ENTP is to be straightforward. No games – they’ll win. No "pulling rank" – they’ll just want to put you in your place. No apologies – you’ll undermine yourself. Try "I need/want to talk to you."
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 05-01-2012, 11:02 AM
Here's another link that you may want to check out as it talks about relationships (friends, lovers, etc.) with the various Myers Briggs types.

For example, "Sexually, The ENFP is creative, perfectionistic, playful and affectionate. Their rich fantasy world makes them fun and creative lovers, who usually have new ideas up their sleeves."
ESFP here...

However having used MB for years as a sales trainer I can tell you that regardless of what the test says you can always "neutralize" yourself through your rhetorical posture of dress and choice of language, and if you're good you can read your present company like a quarterback reads the defense, identify the needs of the personality you're dealing with and carry on. Knowing the MB quad is good on two counts. It allows you insight into how people think and what they need, and keeps "you" from getting pissed off wondering why 10 to 15% of the population isn't going to like "you" anyway.

Or, like I said, go in beige and stay that way until you know who you're dealing with and you stand a better chance of succeeding, even in this hobby.

Good thread, BTW!