I'm Rick Perry and I am getting desperate!

BigLouie's Avatar
"I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian, but you don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military....."

The man is a total clown.
  • Laz
  • 12-08-2011, 07:20 AM
He is either getting and listening to bad advice or is stupid. In either case he is demonstrating he is not qualified to be president.
Bet he would rather burn in his wrecked car than have a gay rescue him.
BigLouie's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gotta admit it, Louie. That was funny.

Lately, I have been ashamed to call myself a Texan because of this clown. Worse yet, if he somehow got the nomination, I would vote for a Democrat for President for the first time EVER - fuck, I would vote for Obama before I would vote for this clown
waverunner234's Avatar
Just wondering how he managed to get reelected in TX
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I doubt there is anyway in hell that Rick Perry would get nominated and now that the world sees what a nitwit he is, he should not even be governor of Texas and probably not even dog catcher.

Right now, it appears that "Helium Head" Gingrich might get the nod and I shudder at the prospect.

However, either way, I strongly expect that President Obama will win the election and I hope it is by a landslide to show the world what a significant mandate he has to reverse the catastrophic policies of the previous administration.

. . . From my perspective, President Obama is still the best hope this country has for a continued recovery from the economic abyss the cowboy from Crawford left this country in and I will support him without equivocation.
I voted for Obama and will again. They need to fix his Cabinet and advisors (need more business savvy)...

Republican ideals are perfect but the fuckin' Republicans in and those running for Pres are Fucktards and need to put their wealth into ECCIE and the Hobby.

I'm a Republican on a mission to re-elect (history)Our Presidente!!!

Fuck Perry! For Fucking Texas on the Nat'l spotlight.
waverunner234's Avatar
Obama must be happy with all those clowns on the other side.
pyramider's Avatar
Just wondering how he managed to get reelected in TX Originally Posted by waverunner234

So are many Texans.

Luckily the Texas Constitution made the office of governor weak.
I was sent this by email:

A Texas Hillbilly
Written by Lindsey Murff
(Sung to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies!)

Come listen to a story 'bout a man named Rick
A Texas Governor, often kept his Texans sick,
Then one day a thought occurred to him,
"American President!" He said upon a whim!
Bush the sequel that is, inadequate......Texas Tea Party.

Well the first thing we know, Rick's a scummy millionaire,
Given bucks to oil, which we know just isn't fair,
Teachers lose their jobs with such absurdity,
He's sittin' on OUR funds for some emergency!
Millions that is, won't touch it, but'll ask for federal aid.

Well, debatin' time is here, to impress the GOP,
Texas slang and swag is all he's got, you see.
We're fast seeing past his lovely head of hair
Bush number 2, may we all be spared.....
Corporate Hillbilly that is!
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Well, doggies!
He's a good man. Y'all squat to piss. LOL
Fuck Perry! For Fucking Texas on the Nat'l spotlight. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
This. He's embarrassing the state.