Who Owns the Rain?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
waverunner234's Avatar
Those laws are old COG
Couldn't you find a better subject?
Those laws are old COG
Couldn't you find a better subject? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Waverunner, would you please allow COG to continue with his Marshy impersonation. He is really missing the guy!

Have a little compassion, please!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Did Marshall get banned? Imagine that!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, you're right. I was overreaching. It just got boring in here and I was looking for something with which to "stir the puddin'".
Well the state has it's hand in also.If you have a private pond (tank for the southern men) and let the state stock it ,you can't restrict anyone from fishing,or use the water for irrigation.