definition of "recent pics"

I ask this question because sometimes I come across some showcases that have the same damn pics as many moons ago.
How often should pics be updated?
My opinion, mainly because everyone nowadays is a professional selfie-photog, is that you update quite frequently.
Profesh photos are nice to look at, but I dig the amateur look. So go ahead and snap that pic as you just stepped out of the shower. Or as you are climbing into bed in your shirt and panties. Or as you sitting on the potty relieving your bladder.... 0.o
Anyhow, I would love pics updated frequently. Is that too much too ask? I dunno. oh well. Just a thought.
blowmypop23's Avatar
You lost me at the toilette.
Invisible1's Avatar
I think that pictures that are less than 1 - 2 years old seem reasonable in this hobby world. The exceptions, of course, would be significant weight gain or loss (>20 lbs), pregnancy, plastic surgery, hair color changes (eg., blond to red or black) and other significant changes in looks from pictures already posted.

Many providers don't use very recent face/hairstyle/makeup style pictures so they will not be readily recognized in the RW.

Recent selfies or photos w/or without a visible face are always a plus.

P.S. I think masks ruin and detract from pictures. I'd rather a face be blurred or pixelated. It is easy to do with an app or free downloadable software from the Internet.
black and white photo...white panties at the ankles...her leaning forward with hair to the side and licking her lips...
I know I've seen this pic in maxim mag or somewhere.
good point about not being recog in the RW...
and yes simple selfies would take place of some of these super old pics.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Means current at the time uploaded. Should be date stamped.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Date stamped and 3 months or less, just saying
Iaintliein's Avatar
Recent only goes so far. It's understandable that some don't show their faces for privacy reasons, puzzling, but still understandable that some don't show more skin than a swimsuit due to modesty.

But the trouble spot most often pointed out in reviews is tummy issues, so, if every pose and outfit obscures the tummy, don't be surprised. It's pretty rare that ladies post completely nude photos and very surprising considering the nature of the business.
bojulay's Avatar
They weren't taken with one of those cameras that
uses gunpowder for the flash.
daty/o's Avatar
Hobbyist definition: picture is an accurate depiction of what she looks like at present.

Provider definition: picture was taken since the invention of color cameras.
my photos are mostly a year or so old and i've put on weight since then...damn steroids. maybe one day i will post new ones...but guess it doesn't much matter unless i'm accepting visitors right?
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
A picture within the last 6 months or so that accurately reflects the current appearance of the provider as she would look in a session.
glade55's Avatar
props to those provides who do post "recent pics" once a week or once a month !

women can pack 15 lbs in 1 month a updated pic per month would be ideal ! all should be able to can take pics with their cell phones since that's how you do business with..if u say otherwise your bullshiting
Iaintliein's Avatar
They weren't taken with one of those cameras that
uses gunpowder for the flash. Originally Posted by bojulay
I don't go back that far but still, some of my 60-80 year old cameras and lenses are my favorites. Though I've never shot film with a provider.
KaitlynDior's Avatar
My definition of recent pics are between 1-3 months old. This is a good thread OP, makes me think I should post my pictures with the date stamps from now on...