All About J I B B E R I S H ....

Once again, along comes Jayne, to post some Jibberish discussion with herself, or so it seems. But this time, Jayne has a legitimate inquiry. It may not be intelligent posting, but its damn sure not emotional posting.. so if I am to be riduculed or punished for my train of thought this time, you'll need to find a new slap on my proverbial hand or ass. I have a suggestion that will feel appropriate if you need one.


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For the language game, see Gibberish (language game).
Gibberish (sometimes spelled Jibberish) is a generic term in English for talking that sounds like speech, but carries no actual meaning. This meaning has also been extended to meaningless text or gobbledygook. The common theme in gibberish statements is a lack of literal sense, which can be described as a presence of nonsense. One of the more famous examples of using gibberish in literature is the poem, Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carrol.

Urban Dictionary Definition :

jibberish 205 up, 90 downA real language that girls use to tell each other things so boys won't know what they're saying.
dithagont yithagou withagish yithagou nithagew jithagibbithagerithagish ?


The only language President Barak Obama can speak without a teleprompter.
*after power outtage*

2nd definition :


A real language that girls use to tell each other things so boys won't know what they're saying.

jibberish 72 up, 23 downA language made up by the user(s) that doesn't fall under any particular established tounge.

3rd definition:


A language made up by the user that doesn't fall under any established tounge.

So... here's my question. Clearly.. if I understand this correctly, and I know I do... ;

How is it that some individuals around these parts feel the arrogant need to diss folks who are only trying to communicate in a way that maybe THEY .. their dumb asses.. can understand and every other yahoo idiot on the FM channel won't neccessarily GET. ? ?

I mean yall are oh so cool... speaking Ringlish and Hoese ; BUT... there are other languages.. like the one of the heart.. the one of the eyes and mind.. and the one that SHOULD make you appreciate that someone is trying to pass on a thought incognito that ONLY you will understand ?

Furthermore.. when you 11 year old tells you that your speaking JIBBERISH.. and laughs you off... then you automatically know that SOMEONE is feeding her mind and speaking FOR HER... and THAT... if you care at all .. IS JUST PLAIN WRONG.

I have a crazy place... but I My child doesn't need to know about it. She probably has one too... but quite frankly.. I don't need to know about it either unless it gets out of hand and the doors and windows and bricks start falling out of it as it spreads to the rest of her little world.

Unfortunately, though.. because whoever is teaching her of her jibberish.. SICK.. mother.. that has no money because her worthless grandpartents are collecting all 1200 bucks of child support each month to pay for their home, talbots clothes and scum buckets they hire to keep me out of my childs world... I DON'T GET TO BE CLOSE ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND HOW SHE CAME TO LEARN ABOUT JIBBERISH.. OR CRAZY PLACES.. OR PENCIL HOLDERS... OR WATER BOTTLES... OR DAWGS.

I post this here.. much to your chagrin, I'm sure, because I AM 110 PERCENT positive there are more than ONE ACTING ALT SERVICING ASSHOLE here responsible for the way I DON'T GET WHAT I WANT WHEN IT COMES TO MY KID... but because I'd like some feedback on just EXACTLY what this BOARD that totally BORES me with its personally aimed insults and terrorism and mind reading and mockery... IS REALLY SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT ? I mean are you all just dynamic linguists.... or are you sex offenders on a mission to make the world understand underage sex sessions ... or are you a TRAP at the backside of a door leading to the hokey pokey alley ?

What exactly ARE 'we' ALL doing here anyway? I don't think half the idiots who post here or who USED to be who you are know ..on ASPD.. knew or know wtf this is.

It may seem that I've gotten off course here.. and you can ban me or delete this.. or slap my mf hand again... but my f master of the universe... PLEASE tell me the difference in MY JIBBERISH.. and YOUR LINGRUDISH language ?

Do you have a LEGEND or something... or are you just all BROTHERS in white... actinglike your wearing black ? Two of everyone is getting old...

Two of everything is older.

Two of me ? That would be a reduction I could live with.

Just my current PISSED OFF OVER 99 RULE REASON today.

any and all coments ...sans the " "jayne.. wtf is wrong with you ? Maybe you need some direction ... " yada yada bs ! I recognize that I'm not exactly LOVED around here.. but in case you failed to research all the details.. Its NOT exactly MY FAULT that the problems exist... and I don't see gag tape over anyone's mouths.. so WHAT... gentle men... is the problem ?

Clones, Sheep, Goats, Pirates, Pilots.... Arizona double visioners, Bass Hall TALKING HEADS... and FAA coverups. Gangs, Cults, and DOUBLES ALL ABOUT THE PLACE... J Fred once said.. " mass confusion is the new M.O.."... so she can still ((())).... but that was 5 years ago... and TRUST me.. a dry 3825 IS NOT MY USUAL session. September's come and go.. tires blow and get replaced... US house of Representatives come and go.. and Federal Judges get voted in and then retire.. all the time. Home builders still play golf.. and baseball players still play the field... MEN ARE CREATURES OF HABIT. women are _ _ _ _ s... Haircuts are still six bucks some places and bowling alleys are becoming extinct. Euless is still more important than ANYONE i know seems to grasp.. and Juice is still in the wrong jurisdicktion.

Retreads.. however.. don't refer to tires... Notes are still not on a college ruled piece of paper... and , in my world... comodities are like appliances... you own them and buy stock in them until a better model comes out and then you place your old ' blender ' or ' washing maching ' on a BLOCK... and throw everything but yourself at it until all else fails.. and then sometimes you do that... just to bring the bidding price down to a reasonable amount you can afford to pay so that you can REUSE the f'ing old appliance...

If appliances , cars, planes, airconditioners, and ICONS had beating hearts and real emotions... they would all be rusty. Salt water damage. But then I'm sure you'd find a warranty plan or insurance policy you could utilize to recoup your SELFISH funds spent on the COMODITY... just to say you didn't go in the red. lol

If I could have any super power in the world.. It would be to be able to dive through the internet and actually see the faces of the people who post what they post... and dig into their pea sized minds and their interfaced voices and perspectives to see what euphoria they consume that makes them think they have the right to post the things they do. Then Karma would .. and will anyway... ensue.


Why do so many people want to laugh at me and say I speak Jibberish .. just because they don't want to admit that they know exactly what I"m talking about. sp hunter... isn't that scary.;. and clearly... he's not really seeking those with SP.. he's more into reading it himself to build upon his own iron fence.

No offence... but many old farts like him and ..well... I'll just pick on him for now because of what his name is.. may as well displace me and try to depend on their own creativeness... because this hand of spades... or this round of black jack.. or me holf.. or rolf ..or whatever... is on its last leg, finger, nail.. and tail.

CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED. If I didn't invite you into my eyes, mind, heart or sound of my abnoxious voice... then you are cordially invited to LEAVE IT NOW... and return to your boring normal life. The attic door is going to get hammered shut and if your caught up there... you'll wish you had clairvoyant stealth priveledges to vanish... I PROMISE.




iTS BEEN REAL... fucked up.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It may be a good time to put the bottle away, and just go to sleep.....And when you wake up, with some clarity, you may just answer your own question.

And yes, I have to admit that that there may be some sense behind your rambling post. Unfortunately, I have a very short attention span so I have to admit that I barely read any of it, so if any of that shit made any sense; I apologize for minimizing the true depth of the OP's post.

No need for rudness ands insults. Sounds like she has some serious personal issues in her life and your not helping Bubba3452
TheDuck's Avatar
was that completely incomprehensible to anyone else? I fear I may have had a stroke...

No need for rudness ands insults. Sounds like she has some serious personal issues in her life and your not helping Bubba3452
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'm with Lucas ....You lost me at Goats & Pirates.
Hope things get better for you Jayne...
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Jayne just jumped to #1 on my daily prayer list...
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-15-2011, 07:09 AM
Goats & Pirates. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Once again, along comes Jayne, to post some Jibberish discussion with herself, or so it seems. But this time, Jayne has a legitimate inquiry. It may not be intelligent posting, but its damn sure not emotional posting.. so if I am to be riduculed or punished for my train of thought this time, you'll need to find a new slap on my proverbial hand or ass. I have a suggestion that will feel appropriate if you need one.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For the language game, see Gibberish (language game).
Gibberish (sometimes spelled Jibberish) is a generic term in English for talking that sounds like speech, but carries no actual meaning. This meaning has also been extended to meaningless text or gobbledygook. The common theme in gibberish statements is a lack of literal sense, which can be described as a presence of nonsense. One of the more famous examples of using gibberish in literature is the poem, Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carrol.

Urban Dictionary Definition :

jibberish 205 up, 90 downA real language that girls use to tell each other things so boys won't know what they're saying.
dithagont yithagou withagish yithagou nithagew jithagibbithagerithagish ?


The only language President Barak Obama can speak without a teleprompter.
*after power outtage*

2nd definition :


A real language that girls use to tell each other things so boys won't know what they're saying.

jibberish 72 up, 23 downA language made up by the user(s) that doesn't fall under any particular established tounge.

3rd definition:


A language made up by the user that doesn't fall under any established tounge.

So... here's my question. Clearly.. if I understand this correctly, and I know I do... ;

How is it that some individuals around these parts feel the arrogant need to diss folks who are only trying to communicate in a way that maybe THEY ..

iTS BEEN REAL... fucked up. Originally Posted by _Jayne_
I got all that, but everything in between was/is.... jibberish. Perhaps that was the whole point....?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Folks do tend to come across as arrogant sometimes when they don't understand. I think it would probably do all of us good if we could just type a pure stream of consciousness idea dump sometimes.

There isn't really anyway to be special unless you are in some way unique. You seem to be comfortable with yourself, so don't sweat what others are comfortable with. In the popular vernacular of the day; U B U girl!

Congratulations on your daughter also, girls usually start dissing their parents for talking gibberish by the time their 7, boys, not so much.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Ummm huh?
ca1962's Avatar
Next time someone gets out of line on ECCIE, instead of banning them, we should force them to read all of Jayne's posts

No need for rudness ands insults. Sounds like she has some serious personal issues in her life and your not helping Bubba3452
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
Jayne, Would you repeat that please.
pmdelites's Avatar
come on folks, either reply to her question(s) or move on.
i dont see any need for disparaging remarks [put the bottle away] or wise-ass comments [force them to read all of Jayne's posts].

what i do see is this question amidst her post from the early morning hours [posted at 455am]...

What exactly ARE 'we' ALL doing here anyway? I don't think half the idiots who post here or who USED to be who you are know ..on ASPD.. knew or know wtf this is.

and i'm not going to even answer it cos it would take too long.

all i'm going to say is....
jayne, it sounds like there is a bunch of crap swirling around you and you're getting tired of it [i may be wrong].
so, i suggest you go talk w/ a really realy good close friend or a counselor or someone to help you identify the issues and suggest ways to resolve them.

and peace be with you!!!!
CA1962 - Next time someone gets out of line on ECCIE, instead of banning them, we should force them to read all of Jayne's posts
And have them write a book report with their interpretation.

No need for rudness ands insults. Sounds like she has some serious personal issues in her life and your not helping Bubba3452
come on folks, either reply to her question(s) or move on.
i dont see any need for disparaging remarks [put the bottle away] or wise-ass comments [force them to read all of Jayne's posts].

what i do see is this question amidst her post from the early morning hours [posted at 455am]...

and i'm not going to even answer it cos it would take too long.
Originally Posted by pmdelites
So instead of saying you weren't going to answer it, why didn't you practice what you preach and either answer it or just move on? lol-sorry babe-you left yourself wide open for that one! tehehe


p.s. there is too much jibberish to wade through in order to even find the question. there was one in there? lol