Is this a scam?

I was browsing escorts on and I came across a particular escort who I liked so I decided to contact her. Upon talking to her through text she stated that she doesn't meet anyone unless they do a cam show with her first. She said she does this to weed out the people who aren't serious about meeting. She told me to go to and to create a username and password and to add $10.00. Is this girl real or is this a scam?
sounds like a scam to me. now they have your pic and can try to blackmail you no way i would do it
Scam. Hookers dont do that. If they did they would never get a customer
Everyday a new reason to avoid NR.

This is, no question, a scam of some sort.
When I've replied to backpage ads, on occasion I get one of those saying to join and they tell me it's because law enforcement can't join those pay for sites to catch prostitutes....yeah that reply goes right to the trash bin.
I figured it was a scam. Just wanted to make sure.
Everything is not a scam. You have to use your own judgment. Every escort needs protection somehow.

When did it become a problem.
I'm not sure about this one. I've heard other hobbyists tell similar stories, but no one has followed through, so I don't know what the end result is. I'm inclined to say scam. However, back when I did webcam work, I cammed on, and it was legitimate, so I don't know. I would personally never mix my cam persona with my provider one, but to each their own. If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably some Eastern European camgirl working for a studio and trying to get more business to her room.
Sounds like bs