Question for all you computer guru's

Budman's Avatar
About 50% of the times I open this thread I get a pop-up box with the following;

"The server at requires a username and password."

It has 2 dialogue boxes to supply the info as well as a cancel button. I always close this and have not had any issues. This is the only thread it has happened in.

What gives?
blenderhead's Avatar
Somebody linked to some images on a server that requires a username/password. Not a virus, no worries.
Budman's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-20-2010, 01:55 PM
It does not happen all of the time because the links blenderhead is referring to are contained within posts on the second and third page of that thread. So, if you go to the first page you will not get the popup window. That is how it is happening to me. Just click on the Cancel button and proceed.