The Darwin Awards have been rebranded to the Hermain Cain awards
The Darwin Awards were a joke that originated on Usenet in the 90s. It is an award given postmortem to someone who is so stupid, that they did something that resulted in their death, preventing them from passing on their genetics to the next generation. Just like how Darwin coined the theory of evolution, the Darwin Awards award those who contribute to the survival of the fittest.

With COVID, a subset of this has came out called the Herman Cain awards.
To give a brief description, it is for those who believed that COVID wasn't real and refused to take the recommended precautions against it, like wearing a mask or receiving the vaccine. As a result, they died. Often they realize their mistake when they are on the ventilator, sometimes they don't. Regardless, they contribute in their own way to survival of the fittest. However in an ironic twist, the people who win the Herman Cain award are often older, and have already had children, so they do not technically win a Darwin Award.

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