Video verify???

Twice in the last month I have come across providers on BP that want me to buy "video minutes" so they can verify I'm not LE. I'm not buying into this because it seems like a scam.
Anybody else come across this situation?
CryptKicker's Avatar
It's a scam
Phrasing's Avatar
if it quacks like a duck...
houston.alexxx's Avatar
I'm curious... what is the scam? They get you to pay for "video minutes" and then you don't get anything? Or do you reveal enough personal information in the purchasing of the "minutes" that they can steal your identity or CC info?
Just curious.
CryptKicker's Avatar
You are required to give you credit card info to buy the minutes and then they steal that info and run up your credit card account.
The first question should have been "how does a video prove I'm not LE?" Men offer to show me their DL's, W2's, their packages, etc. But none of this proves anything. Often I will ask a gentleman without references that if they want to, they can provide me with the name of their company and the name they are known by. I look up the number myself and call to verify that they work there. Even this is not a guarantee. And just for the record, I do not recommend that you give your work and name info to just anyone. A well-known, reputable provider values her reputation and her business - she won't mess you around.