The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts

berryberry's Avatar
It says a lot about the modern Democrat Party that its prominent figures like Rep. Eric Swalwell (California representative) and Beto O’Rourke (perpetually unemployed) would actually support and pose for a photo with Stacie Laughton when he was running for a seat in the New Hampshire state house.

For the uninitiated, Laughton has the distinction of being the first transgender person elected to a state legislature. More importantly, he was charged in connection with the sexual exploitation ****************************** ****************

It’s not like there weren’t signs of trouble. Appearance isn’t everything, but it is something — and Laughton’s, with his long straggly hair pulled back in a tight knot, his highly receded hairline, and questionable dental hygiene, is unnerving, to say the least. Plenty of unfortunately-looking people are harmless. But Laughton is both that and suffers from a psychological impairment (celebrated as it may be by the American left).

To be mentally ill, dangerous, or both is quickly becoming the norm in Democrat politics. Time magazine on Thursday ran a lengthy, sympathetic profile on Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman, who in March mustered the strength to emerge from a mental wellness facility, where he spent six weeks being treated for severe depression. And that was only after suffering a near-fatal stroke that has left him unable to communicate without advanced computer software and nearly incapable of speaking at all.

“For so many years, we have demanded our politicians be perfect—free of scandal, perfectly groomed, never a hair or a word out of place,” wrote Time’s Molly Ball. “To admit to being broken was to admit to being deficient. But Fetterman was never the kind of pol who put much stock in seeming perfect.”

That’s not completely accurate. True, Fetterman is a proud slob in his perpetual uniform of a hoodie and basketball shorts that must make his office staff exceedingly uncomfortable every time he moves, but it’s not so much that he doesn’t “put much stock in seeming perfect.” It’s that the media throughout the final months of his 2022 Senate campaign were fully invested in dragging his body across the finish line no matter the cost, even as anyone with functioning eyes and ears could see that he was incapacitated by the deadly stroke and had not recovered.

Oh, well! Democrats had a Senate seat to win. Money is no object, let alone the quality of life of a father of three. Besides, Time and Molly Ball assure us that “many people loved their broken Senator—not in spite of his brokenness but because of it.”

Fetterman’s debilitating condition is not a bug. It’s a feature!

And then of course, there’s Sam Brinton, the narcissistic kleptomaniac trans “they/them” user who was hired by the Biden administration to manage nuclear material. His entire biography is sprinkled with public sex kink and a penchant for wearing gaudy women’s clothing — much of which, it turns out, was stolen. That’s who was deemed safe by Democrats to work in a high-level government energy position.

Democrats call it bigotry and prejudice to look twice at any one of these individuals and think, maybe, just maybe, there’s something wrong here. Democrats prefer to not only embrace them, but elevate them to positions of authority.

It isn’t pretty. But it’s the modern Democrat Party.
matchingmole's Avatar
And still The Republicans suck 100 times worse and keep losing elections. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Cody69's Avatar
It says a lot about the modern Democrat Party that its prominent figures like Rep. Eric Swalwell (California representative) and Beto O’Rourke (perpetually unemployed) would actually support and pose for a photo with Stacie Laughton when he was running for a seat in the New Hampshire state house.

For the uninitiated, Laughton has the distinction of being the first transgender person elected to a state legislature. More importantly, he was charged in connection with the sexual exploitation ****************************** ****************

It’s not like there weren’t signs of trouble. Appearance isn’t everything, but it is something — and Laughton’s, with his long straggly hair pulled back in a tight knot, his highly receded hairline, and questionable dental hygiene, is unnerving, to say the least. Plenty of unfortunately-looking people are harmless. But Laughton is both that and suffers from a psychological impairment (celebrated as it may be by the American left).

To be mentally ill, dangerous, or both is quickly becoming the norm in Democrat politics. Time magazine on Thursday ran a lengthy, sympathetic profile on Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman, who in March mustered the strength to emerge from a mental wellness facility, where he spent six weeks being treated for severe depression. And that was only after suffering a near-fatal stroke that has left him unable to communicate without advanced computer software and nearly incapable of speaking at all.

“For so many years, we have demanded our politicians be perfect—free of scandal, perfectly groomed, never a hair or a word out of place,” wrote Time’s Molly Ball. “To admit to being broken was to admit to being deficient. But Fetterman was never the kind of pol who put much stock in seeming perfect.”

That’s not completely accurate. True, Fetterman is a proud slob in his perpetual uniform of a hoodie and basketball shorts that must make his office staff exceedingly uncomfortable every time he moves, but it’s not so much that he doesn’t “put much stock in seeming perfect.” It’s that the media throughout the final months of his 2022 Senate campaign were fully invested in dragging his body across the finish line no matter the cost, even as anyone with functioning eyes and ears could see that he was incapacitated by the deadly stroke and had not recovered.

Oh, well! Democrats had a Senate seat to win. Money is no object, let alone the quality of life of a father of three. Besides, Time and Molly Ball assure us that “many people loved their broken Senator—not in spite of his brokenness but because of it.”

Fetterman’s debilitating condition is not a bug. It’s a feature!

And then of course, there’s Sam Brinton, the narcissistic kleptomaniac trans “they/them” user who was hired by the Biden administration to manage nuclear material. His entire biography is sprinkled with public sex kink and a penchant for wearing gaudy women’s clothing — much of which, it turns out, was stolen. That’s who was deemed safe by Democrats to work in a high-level government energy position.

Democrats call it bigotry and prejudice to look twice at any one of these individuals and think, maybe, just maybe, there’s something wrong here. Democrats prefer to not only embrace them, but elevate them to positions of authority.

It isn’t pretty. But it’s the modern Democrat Party. Originally Posted by berryberry
Hate Hate Hate, Fester, Fester, Fester.

Does Marjorie Taylor Greene Hit a bell, Matt Gaetz that is a model citizen. So is Lindsey Graham, lets not forget Ted Cruz, Wait there are worst, Rick Scott who wants to get rid of a program everyone paid for all there working life, him Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. What did they say there is no such thing as an entitlement. You paid all your working life.

Make sure you add them to your list, with your ranting and ragging. The guys you mentioned wouldn't make a pimple on these guys ass.

Fetterman is at least the same not worst. Why don't you start posting all of the fuck ups, not just the Liberals that you hate (which is all of them). Maybe your posts would be worth reading and just maybe believable.
berryberry's Avatar
Hmmm, the news story appears to have hit a nerve with the leftists. The truth about the Democrat party must hurt. And they know they can't refute it so they try to change the subject. Sad.

The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts !!!
Cody69's Avatar
Hmmm, the news story appears to have hit a nerve with the leftists. The truth about the Democrat party must hurt. And they know they can't refute it so they try to change the subject. Sad.

The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts !!! Originally Posted by berryberry
Pervert, Isn't you king of all kings going to court for the (You would know all the facts before I would) umpteenth time for some type of being a Pervert once more. He just got out of court and lost correct?

You hit no nerve, if any party needs to be kicked out, get rid of them. I don't know why you keep saying that. A true blue collar hard working democrat don't want any of the scum in office. Either side. You are the one that blames all law enforcement even the FBI when something happens to your party's scum.

Put them all in jail and not house arrest. In ass banging prison.
berryberry's Avatar
Hit a nerve - confirmed !!!

The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts !!!
HDGristle's Avatar
If they respond you claim you hit a nerve.

If they ignore your taunts, you claim they're afraid and burying their head in the sand.

Either way, you insult all of our intelligence

Game's been stale. Get a new one.
DNinja69's Avatar
Hmmm, the news story appears to have hit a nerve with the leftists. The truth about the Democrat party must hurt. And they know they can't refute it so they try to change the subject. Sad.

The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts !!! Originally Posted by berryberry
Ahhh 'the left' that most awful ideology I mean it is quite obvious 'the right' is squeaky clean and devoid of dysfunction.
berryberry's Avatar
Ahhh 'the left' that most awful ideology I mean it is quite obvious 'the right' is squeaky clean and devoid of dysfunction. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Nah, there are dsyfunctional people on the right - commonly known as RINOs or Democrats in sheep's clothing. I wish all RINOS were eliminated from the Republican party

But that doesn't change the fact that the Democrat party is the party of the unwell and the perverts. Hell the head of the party is an unwell senile imbecile. They have an utter retard who can't speak a coherent sentence from PA serving in the senate. They have a somali terrorist in Congress. A crazy black congresswoman from California . The list goes on and on about the unwell.

And perverts - damn, that list is even longer for the democrat party. Hell, one of there official positions is pushing the perverted tranny agenda. And let's not forget their leader in the White House is a known pedophile.
If they respond you claim you hit a nerve.

If they ignore your taunts, you claim they're afraid and burying their head in the sand.

Either way, you insult all of our intelligence

Game's been stale. Get a new one. Originally Posted by HDGristle
It's beyond ridiculous
matchingmole's Avatar
Hmmm, the news story appears to have hit a nerve with the leftists. The truth about the Democrat party must hurt. And they know they can't refute it so they try to change the subject. Sad.

The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts !!! Originally Posted by berryberry
What news story?
Which leftists?


berryberry's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Originally Posted by berryberry
DNinja69's Avatar
Nah, there are dsyfunctional people on the right - commonly known as RINOs or Democrats in sheep's clothing. I wish all RINOS were eliminated from the Republican party

But that doesn't change the fact that the Democrat party is the party of the unwell and the perverts. Hell the head of the party is an unwell senile imbecile. They have an utter retard who can't speak a coherent sentence from PA serving in the senate. They have a somali terrorist in Congress. A crazy black congresswoman from California . The list goes on and on about the unwell.

And perverts - damn, that list is even longer for the democrat party. Hell, one of there official positions is pushing the perverted tranny agenda. And let's not forget their leader in the White House is a known pedophile. Originally Posted by berryberry
Hoorah for the simplistic spoon fed mantra moment! Party politics is dysfunctional of itself and one big reason is the 'let me consult my handbook' ideology as if a majority of these issues required some kind of exceptional insight to figure out.

Let me start with pervert as the nature of this site reveals we are all exactly that in the eyes of most people. Some of us realize this and find space in our minds for others whose private self are different while some like to point fingers and pretend they are somehow better or less perverted. It is a similar thought process that leads people to claims that Jan 6 was in fact mostly leftist operatives and paid actors perpetuating an opportunity which is stuff fairy tales are made from. For those people freedom tends to mean 'so long as you play by my rules' yet our constitution provides for no such requirement in fact quite the opposite.

By labeling someone a rino simply because they don't fall in line with party politics is exactly what we need less of and to be fair about half the shit people argue about politically isn't our governments business in the first place. Some of us conservatives simply don't buy into the bullshit anymore. The current state of Republicans is we have Trump running who lost to a senile old man and went into meltdown mode and was never accepted by them anyway and his opponent believes 70 should be the new retirement age, thinks of Putin as a regional asshole with little impact on the US, thinks if we 'dont say gay' it might go away, and upholds refusing federal funds if it would go towards diversity initiatives. That makes him a dumbass in my opinion but I would agree when comparing to the other side it make a ton more sense than our current grand poobah
berryberry's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
Thanks for confirming yet again that I really hit a nerve !!!

The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts !!!