My Lazy Hoe Fantasy

So I was thinking about how long it's been since I really slang some poon. Like for realsies not just here & there, but REALLY Sold. That. Ass.

It's been a while. Today doesn't count. Heh.
I realized how much paper I needed to stack today to accomplish some personal and non-hobby business goals and went Dayum bitch that's a lot of dicks! Bitch Betta get to work. Talking to myself.

That's when I started plotting my threADS, wishing I had like 2 of me or at least two sets of hands. Double time. Watch out!
Then shit got weird. I imagined how awesome it would be if I could just leave my door unlocked, lay on my bed and you guys literally just came and went all day.

Like a flash pass at Six Flags, but more like a poon pass or something.

Would this be considered a gang bang? How would you schedule something like this? I might do it just so I can say, "Welcome to The Quickie Mart.Thank you. Come Again."

Of course you would all be really sweet and nice. Make me cum then you cum within a reasonable time frame... like 5 minutes & byowr. Bring your own wash rag. Lol

Ya'll would even flush all the evidence and get your own bottles of water etc.

It'd be kind of like my own personal social, but with way more fucking and less talking! Maybe a high five here & there? Whatcha think?
It feels like you need a waiting room with uncomfortable chairs and awkward silence with one of those "Now Serving #47" signs over the bedroom door.
I was actually really imagining something like that. Now serving penis #24A at window 7. Lol. I am a sick woman. But you're just as sick. I like it!!
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I would end up screwing up the line. 5 minutes - no way. Be lucky if you finished in an hour.
FS_ITC's Avatar
Gotta love lazy hoes. At least there was some thought put into it. ��
Only catch is even advertising it will get you on the "High volume" or "Yeck" provider list even if only a few mongers actually sign up.

There is one extremely hot provider on the boards who is labeled extremely high volume and while many will flatter her on the boards they still won't book her.
I'm just fugging' around. Trying to lighten the mood or create an entertaining threAD!!

It's just a fantasy. Lol.
Don't tell me you've never had a lazy monger fantasy?

You just lay in your bed all day and a bunch of hot hoes come and massage you, then blow you, then ride your dick every which way possible and on and on. Then once you've passed out from so much sex, they clean your house, make you dinner and leave!!
Wind announces over the speaker "Now serving vagina #37 @ window 10!!!"
mrhappysf's Avatar
You are too damn funny and your posts almost put as much of a smile on my face as your bj's. Ok that was bullshit but you are really funny :-)
Glad I could make you smile.
I would end up screwing up the line. 5 minutes - no way. Be lucky if you finished in an hour. Originally Posted by Mike Vronsky
I see. You'd be the guy that holds the line up like at the grocery store. Yeah. You know the one. Has to get a price check...
Passion2015's Avatar
No lazy monger day here. I like substance. I like to justify my money going out. You and that senerio on the other hand, probably wouldn't be a problem you just lay there, monger after monger. You would probably have your eyes close and just see $$ signs coming in.
Like a one arm bandit in Vegas for a monger, keep putting money in, with nothing in return.,

Just my 2 cents
Why so serious? Lol
I can't objectify you in my fantasy? Awe come on!!!!