• romab
  • 08-31-2011, 12:34 AM
Had appt to see Dr Deanne Bell for a hour appt. Confirmed via P411 for place near IAH. Sould be no problem as she viewed my profile then sent phone #, hotel and room #. Sent return reply would call when got to hotel.

Due to traffic arrived 7 min late and called phone. Got ring tone telling me that I
have been dumped and no way no how if my call going to be answered followed by a long rambling message from Ms Bell that she doesn't answer any unknown #s and much about this and that. Course my number is on my 411 site and I sent to her when confirmed appt. Text to phone sent as rm # she sent did not exsist. No answer, no call, no e-mail no nothing. Gave up after 40 min.

Guess she didn't need full hr session and full fee that went with it.

Beginning to think that being a nice guy just gets your teeth kicked in. Being on time, always pay full amount or more, clean and polite, min confirm 2x so she won't worry about NSNC, not making plan B & C so if she confirms will be able to see her, treating her nicely to try and make it a nice time for her also;
and many times all this does is get you sitting in a parking lot getting ticked off. Time is tight with me and I many times travel 45 min plus.

Sure stuff happens but how fucking long does it take to text or e-mail with some lame bs or a the real reason.

Makes you just want to be a cave man. At least then can have a reason for being a jerk and woman luster.

carkido45's Avatar
Sorry for your experience but I always smile later saying to myself at least "I still have my money in my pocket".
  • romab
  • 08-31-2011, 06:31 AM
So true C45. Now can use for someone else. R
There are a lot of nice ladies, like myself. I am on time and I keep a clean and safe incall.
Romab, this is a consistent problem, on both sides of the table. Sometimes we all have quick fuses, and will not give the other side a break. My only question would be, when you saw traffic may be a problem, did you call or text to allert her that you may/would be a little late? I know that she's hard to get ahold of sometimes, and would prefer to text vs talk, I'm the opposite. If both parties would keep each other informed of problems in getting to the location, many problems can be avoided. Should she have given you a 7 minute, sure. Should you have called earlier, sure. When some ladies offer good specials, their price point is attractive to all, they find that the volume increases, and time becomes a factor. It really sucks for a guy who has been planning a visit, excited, brain is working over time, and thanks to Houston traffic, it all falls apart. One of the main reasons for B&B to move into The Wildflower Group was just this problem We had 4 incalls, and being on the phone constantly getting Lady A and Client B to apartment C at the same time led to unbelievable frustrations-at everyone, Lady A who would havitually run late, Client B who misjudged travel time, at Houston traffic for messing with my biz. The Spas were so much better. Bottom line, this is a problem when dealing with incall locations, traffic, and a booked lady. I'm sorry for your experience, you are very experienced, and have seen this over and over. From a biz standpoint, you'd be one of the last guys I'd blow off. With you post total and review count, I'd want to give you the best show possible, knowing that 1. if it's great you'll report it accurately, and 2. if it's not great you're going to report it as well. And that's the way this board should work. Good for you for reporting it. I'm sure she'll contact you to try to make it happy. Maybe the saying that make up sex is the best sex. Let us know what happens.
The Wildflower Group
I posted this as soon as I saw it, I didn't read any other threads. Scrowl down a little, and you'll see Rachel Raquel's thread about her experience. Try blending the 2 threads together, and you can see in this biz, it happens to everyone. Is it right? Should it happen? No, no, no, no, no. But it does, we have to smile and move on. Not the answer either you or Rachel want, but it is what it is.
The Wildflower Group
Sorry to hear that happened to you!! It does go both ways its though cause you cant garentee either way that the other party will follow through but dont stop being a nice guy just because there are ladies that dont respect you and there business, just continue to be the best person you can and take it as a learning experience to not speak with this lady again...there are many very nice and accomidating ladies in houston that are more than happy to follow through with there sessions , or communitcate correctly... but dont change your persona over her not worth it!!! hope you had a good stay in houston and find a better experience next time your in town! kisses
i am extremely sorry Romab.I would like to make it up to you if possible..understand I am human as well as a provider ..
Jack Flash's Avatar
A response that is real and candid from the provider in question in under 9 hours from the OP post. That is saying something..
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
A response that is real and candid from the provider in question in under 9 hours from the OP post. That is saying something.. Originally Posted by Jack Flash

Agreed! Shit happens to us all...... Owning a mistake and moving forward is always the best course of action!

  • romab
  • 08-31-2011, 11:32 AM
Thanks for support Billy Went to WF number times & always good. Couldn't text as driving like bat out of hell. JF & JUD, I did like that dr d did answer thread and will set appt when can in future. Deanna, might want to modify phone message or add phone# of client after screening. Could make less drama and life calmer. Just a thought. Alexis - love the red on you.
R. coming to you live from another damn airport!
tbone77494's Avatar
I have had ncns as well as had stuff come up where I had to cancel last minute. I think neither side should take it too seriously. I am sure dentists, drs, etc have essentially the same problem. That being said, notice tcb skills are frequently part of reviews.
Sarunga's Avatar
This thread seems to have a good outcome....well done! Yes, we are all human.
  • romab
  • 08-31-2011, 12:46 PM
Did also get follow up text at P411 from Deanna that she fell asleep. I'm beginning to believe that screw the butterfly, for a good nights sleep make an appt with me! (LOL) Will retouch to her message.

surcher's Avatar
Did also get follow up text at P411 from Deanna that she fell asleep. I'm beginning to believe that screw the butterfly, for a good nights sleep make an appt with me! (LOL) Will retouch to her message.

R Originally Posted by romab
She apologized and offered to make it up to you, which I hope meant a discount on her rate. But dude, don't let your ego fuck it up. I'm sure that message was not meant for us.

On a personal note, I think texting has become a major issue. There are some women who will not answer the phone and only reply to texts, yet do not let the customers know. I've run into this a couple of times. I realize they can't answer every call, but ignoring those who request a call for confirmation, or not answering for the same is ridiculous. I used to have a land line only, let them know I couldn't text and they still didn't answer my call. Texting has become a necessary evil and in some cases a detriment to the business. I long for the days when ladies answered and returned calls. There was less room for miscommunication. I'm not sure if ncns was less, but communication was better.