
Rachelle69Romance's Avatar
My daughter left her abusive boyfriend and obtained a PFA against him. They share an 8 month old baby. We went to court today and my duaghter had a public defender who didnt "defend" her at all and wouldnt even present evidence. They were all more interested in getting home, watching the clock the whole time.

My grandson is in danger and we fell like we cant do anything about it. They made her accept the visitation terms (he had a lawyer) without any reguard to his proven violent history..... He is on probation right now! Even gave a dirty U/A...

What do we do?? Help!!!!

Anyone in the network that can give me advice?
ask COG he was a lawyer.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Generally speaking the abused fails to call the police, once they do they fail to press charges, once they do they fail to testify in court.
This is how you get them on record as being a criminal and assault is criminal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is part of the reason I am out of the system. Rachelle, I would so love to help you. I can't offer any advice at this time, but if you have any questions, please PM me.