Democrats want to raise taxes — but only on red states!

Toolman's Avatar
Democrats want to raise taxes — but only on red states!
Commentary Staff Writer
08/04/10 1:25 PM EDT

In today’s Wall Street Journal, they blow the lid off of a rather shocking proposal by Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and four other members of New York’s House caucus:

"One irony of the tax increase that arrives on January 1 is that the it will hit residents of high-income, Democratic-leaning states like California, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York the hardest. This is a problem for pro-tax Democrats.

"Enter New York Representative Jerrold Nadler, who wants to exempt his own six-figure constituents from the tax hike he supports. Mr. Nadler’s bill would “require the IRS to adjust tax brackets proportionally in regions where the average cost of living is higher than the national average.”

"In other words, the various tax brackets would apply to residents in certain regions at higher income levels versus other parts of the country. A family with an income of $50,000 or even $1 million in Manhattan would pay less federal income tax than a family with the same earnings in Omaha. The bill is called the Tax Equity Act, but a more accurate title would be the Blue State Tax Preference Act."

Hmmm. Why is it so expensive to live in New York? Oh yeah:

"That point about “reality” and the tax code could certainly use some fleshing out, but leave that aside. A big reason the cost of living is so high in Boston, Manhattan and San Francisco is because of high state and local taxes, union work rules, and heavy business regulation that make it more expensive to produce, sell and buy things.

"Why should someone in Spokane or Knoxville or Topeka be penalized because New York and California impose destructive policies? Mr. Nadler also conveniently forgets that the federal tax code already subsidizes high-cost states through the deductibility of state and local income and property taxes."

Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Who's surprised? This is only the natural progression of plundering other people's money to buy votes. A tiger's a tiger, a roach is a roach, and a Democrat is a parasite, tried and true. This is what they do.
boardman's Avatar
I would like to say there is no way they could get away with this but if there is anything that the last 18 months has taught me..........
We are counting on a turnover in Congress to stop some of this insanity. Don't be so sure that is going to work. This administration has already shown that it will stop at nothing to see it's agenda passed. Public outcry doesn't matter, laws don't matter, court rulings don't matter. More shit slides off of Obama's back than it ever did Clinton's and he has taken his agenda farther than even I imagined possible. How 40% of the population can still support this man is beyond me.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Of course you're right, Boardman. It's simply the state waging war against the polis, the nation. For the first time in my experience national allies; e.g., The Boy Scouts, Christianity, the NRA, Ducks Unlimited, The Tea Party Movement have become de facto enemies of the state because of their natural alliance with the American people. Similarly, allies of the state; e.g., CAIR, La Raza, AARP, NAMBLA, NAACP, the fucking Sierra Club, are sworn enemies of the American people.