Our own ECCIE liberals should be pissed about this

California passed a law to expand immigrant rights that will allow ILLEGAL immigrants to practice law if they are qualified. WTF? They are NOT qualified based on the simple fact they are ILLEGAL! Fucking Californians are nuts. What next, will they allow drug dealers to become pharmacists?

There have actually been worse proposals floated.

One would allow individuals unable to comprehend spoken English to serve on US juries. I don't know about you, but I have a MAJOR problem with either (a) allowing a non-juror (interpreter) into the jury room during deliberations or (b) allowing a juror who by his own admission is incapable of understanding the proceedings. (Hint: How does the Court ensure that the interpeter is interpreting correctly?)

Yes, I am aware that we routinely allow translators for non-English-speaking defendants. (I was called for jury duty on such a case, but not selected. My own fault: I said in so many words that I would have a serious problem considering probation, in a capital case, for an illegal immigrant.) Jurors are DIFFERENT.
How do you know they can't speak English? How did they pass the bar? Do I think it is a good idea? NO