Getting Extras

Bushaholic's Avatar
I'm often asked via PM "Please help me learn how to become good at getting extras?" First off, if you're new to ECCIE it may be difficult, for a variety of reasons, to find a veteran SC hobbyist that will take you by the hand and teach you how to become good at getting extras. So lets set those thoughts aside. To acquire the knowledge and skills to become good, so you get high mileage from dancers, try to find and read everything worthwhile on this site about getting extras, and keep looking for and reading more, even after you think you've found it all.

Here are some threads to start with and in a couple of them you'll find additional links you should click-on and read....

After you're done with that continue reading, specifically....

Popular threads, the ones that lots of people read. If you look at the main page of each forum, and look at the first thread posted, then to the very right edge of the page you'll see a column titled "views". Click on "views" and you can then sort by the most viewed threads in a forum. Start from the top down, reading those with the largest number of views. Do that in this forum and in the SC forums of other cities. Sometimes the most popular threads can provide great information.

Next, if you don't have Premium Access I strongly suggest you consider acquiring it (by writing reviews or paying), and here's why. You get to read the hidden ROS section in each review, which is something that Registered Members can't see. That ROS section will sometimes give you the play-by-play of what went down and how it happened, which is priceless from an educational standpoint. Sometimes you'll get the word-by-word dialogue between a hobbyist and dancer, that got her to say yes to extras. That in and of itself is gold, if you want to learn how to be great at SC hobbying. Not everyone writes their reviews that way, some hobbyists have and so have I. PA also allows you to see Private Tag comments, something you can't read or see as a Registered Member, and is hidden in lots of threads/posts, and that too will sometimes give you lots of good info. So once you get PA....

Read every review done by popular or experienced SC hobbyists, specifically the ROS sections. Do that in this city and in others!

If you've done all that, and read everything you can find in all ECCIE SC forums, you're trying what you've learned at different clubs and you're still not having luck, then you're either picking the wrong clubs, the wrong dancers, going at the wrong time, saying or doing something wrong, or maybe it's something about you. Last hint, go where the fish are biting (clubs that are frequently reviewed), try the things you've learned here, and for most of you good things should happen. Good luck.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 06-04-2024, 08:20 AM

I re opened this thread for current relevant information on

"Getting Extras".

Please ONLY post information relevant to the thread.

Thank You.