When you get stood up twice by same provider in one weekend

Do you post to let others know you were fooled into showing up to the provider's location twice in a weekend? Or does anyone really care?
Fletchlives's Avatar
The whole point of this board is information exchange. What you choose to do is your decision. Some times putting it out there results in the lady rectifying the situation. To answer your questions, yes and yes. Post here in co-ed. Provide the details of the situation so that others will be aware.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I care esp.. If I am giving said provider a ref for multi people....If shes a flake I will give the ok but will also let the gent know of said reputation ...
Whispers's Avatar
I think you should ALWAYS post it. And update the community if and when it is resolved.

Anything less is USUALLY to the detriment to other members.

Ask yourself this.

WHEN you post it if 2 other guys pipe up "Yeah. She did that to me too" Are you going to be perturbed THEY never reported it so that YOU could have made a better informed decision?

One or two NCNS's do not kill a solid provider's reputation. HOW she responds and makes things right can actually MAKE her at times.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Fool meh oncet, shame on yew ...
nuglet's Avatar
or as some here in Texas say.. Shame on ewe!.. lol
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Only 'roundt about Kollege Stayshun.
  • Imatk
  • 10-27-2014, 07:15 PM
Why wouldn't you post it?

I mean two NCNS in the same day?

That's pretty bad man.