SHould she be arrested for making you lose your errection? LOL

OK so here's the deal. On the Houston boards right now the Hobbiest are on this kick about looks if a provider says anything and they are not in the perfect shape or a 10 face wise they are somewhat attacking them and well I know escorts should be pretty and have a hot body but people are different and pretty to one is dog ugly to another and fat to one is sexy to another on and on and on. We all know this
And escorting/provoding is not just about looks I mean that is what attracts you but service and mind set is also a biggy right !???

SO I saw this on my sons Facebook had to show yall. First of all her body may be hot but that fake barbie slash Tammy Fae Backer look does not do it for me but hey some guy proably would love it but what if she talked and it was like this would you still be a repeat? would it matter? LOL
Naw, she'd be good for a one time session and that would be it for me.Nice rack but that's about all she has going for her!
I agree with you Stud. Looks like her stomach is flat too.
I would much rather being with a person that knows a dog has a brain and has a bulge then that.. I'm not a dude but love pussy too maybe I am just sensitive..Need more that just a great body to do it for me .LOL
LOL heres another one
I'll see the first one, and go back for seconds.

I'm about looks, only service that I require is on time and clean.
pyramider's Avatar
Magichands is incorrect. No one attacking LD. One cannot attack what cannot be attacked. Its true LD's dick is bigger than those fucktards.
LD? Maybe I should go read the whole thread it is so hard to keep up.
All I read is where a woman posted a video of why no AA's and someone said A meadeacore looking provider that is picky.
Let me go find what I was talking about.. Goodness..... Sorry did not mean to make any paws wet..One
this was the comment I was commenting about hone .
In the famous words of the Joker .... Why so Serious?
I posted a video maybe two months or so ago about my No AA rule and boy did I get a response. I've finally decided to clarify a few things that, after giving it some thought, were not made clear before. It is explained in my video b/c it would've been too long to type.

And this was a reply
So you have an NBA policy... But not really... Ok. I'm seeing a trend from NBA sistas... Everyone of their looks tends to be mediocre at best. ( obviously I have seen a few so called black NBA providers

A sub par black chic with an NBA.... Good grief

I'm sure all the respectable gents you're searching for are booking with far better options than you.

those what I was talking about but this post was about a quote un quote perfect body girl and made up face with ZERO BRAINS would hobbiers spend time and money on her as a repeat for just the body or because she was so ignorant would that matter.?
I mean in my type busine I know what the answe is for me.
.I AM FAR from perfect. Some months are better shape wise, looks wise, hair wise even makeup wise but people pay me for how I make there body feel my Unique personality and I KNOW IF ANIMALS HAVE A BRAIN OR NOT.... LOL..
Now I may not be have a law degree and we all know English /writing is not my strong suit . LOL. I was just posting about if a provider looked what guys may say as hot in body and all dolled up and brains where ZERO would that provider still get their business more than once.. Simple question..

pyramider's Avatar
That was the first half of the thread....
Too answer your question, yes they would get my business I'm not trying to marry them or date them. The better they look the more of my business they get and fake boobs are a plus!
firelips's Avatar
It depends on if her taint is sexy
Omg! That's was hilarious! Thanks for the morning laugh!