Dec 17,1903

Dec 17,1903 the Wright Brothers flew the first aircraft at 6.8 MPH
61 years 5 days later
The SR71 Blackbird flew 2,193 MPH
The record still stands.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not wanting to take away from the event but don't you usually find some fault with the country and try to give credit to someone else? Maybe someone like Gustave Whitehead?
What are you trying to say Judy? That it is Obama's fault Whitehead didn't get credit for the first powered flight.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now look who connected Obama and anti-America sentiments. Way to go EVA.
Dec 17,1903 the Wright Brothers flew the first aircraft at 6.8 MPH
61 years 5 days later
The SR71 Blackbird flew 2,193 MPH
The record still stands. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Great events in history.

I think what many people fail to realize that the Wright Brothers accomplishment wasn't as much about powered flight, as it was powered and CONTROLLED flight.

No doubt, there were probably others who managed to get a set of wings off the ground with a motor and propellor, the Writes great innovation was controlling all of the aspects of flight, like pitch, yawl, turning and most important, landing......and living.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think it was more than that (and that was important). It was that they kept with it. A lot of people did it as a hobby. Like building your own ultralight design. You've been successful but like them you decide that other people might have an interest. They turned it into a business and innovated.

In 13 years the Wright airplane went from a flight of seconds to about six hours, from 30 mph to 80 mph

This was the Wright aircraft design 20 years later

and 23 years later

Now look who connected Obama and anti-America sentiments. Way to go EVA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hint : It was a question. That you didn't answer.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your "question" was clearly rhetorical and there is no expected answer. What prompted your "question" was my observation that you normally attack the US (are you some kind of flyer?)....really?
Your "question" was clearly rhetorical and there is no expected answer. What prompted your "question" was my observation that you normally attack the US (are you some kind of flyer?)....really? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
you are one of the biggest USA hater on the board, you accusing me of being anti USA is ludicrous.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Dec 17,1903 the Wright Brothers flew the first aircraft at 6.8 MPH
61 years 5 days later
The SR71 Blackbird flew 2,193 MPH
The record still stands. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Although not a fixed wing craft...Apollo went over 25,000 mph to leave earth orbit.

Also I had heard the Blackbird broke it's own record on it's last flight. Was that Dec 22, 1964? Are you sure it's record was 2,193 ?

What was the X15 speed record?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Just Googled it.

I'va you got the speed record right but you got the date wrong. It was July 28th, 1978
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I remember driving around Norfolk back in the 80s. I was doing a supply run and had a navy truck. I was listening to the local rock and roll station (there was no talk radio then) and the guy came on and said that the Blackbird was about to take off at NAS. They had an airshow the day before and it was the first public appearance of the F-117 stealth fighter but everyone was hanging around the Blackbird. I wanted to see this thing fly so I headed across the base. When I arrived at I 95 there were people parked up and down the highway watching the runway. Everyone who was anyone wanted to see the Blackbird take off. It did not fail to please either. It moved slow, picked up speed and rotated upward. Then it did it. Poured fuel into the engine and pointed the nose nearly straight up. It was gone in seconds.
Just Googled it.

I'va you got the speed record right but you got the date wrong. It was July 28th, 1978 Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Should have been more clear on the OP. The bird flew the first time Dec 22 1964 it did not set the speed record till later. If you googled it you knew that...LOL
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Should have been more clear on the OP. The bird flew the first time Dec 22 1964 it did not set the speed record till later. If you googled it you knew that...LOL Originally Posted by i'va biggen

It is one beautiful bird, but eagle still is my favorite.