An idea for those who enjoy live music, wine tasting, Hor Dourves and Harleys!

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I had this conversation with a tall sexy Austin guy, while enjoying some wine tasting. And thought this might be a good idea to do in the Dallas area as well, esp since I'm there often for my RW world job.

Yeah there always some sort of GTG for the hobby folks. But more times than not. those type of GTG are not for those of us who prefer a more upscale setting, with a mature crowd.

So I thought that an GTg of no more than 10-15 people, (age 35 & older) for an evening of good music (preferably live) wine tasting, Hor Dourves and even some cigar smoking. (if you dare)A night where everyone pays their own way. (where it's not always left up to the men to always pay) And no obligations of dates to take place afterwards. Just an enjoyable evening where *mature* folks can enjoy the company of like minded folks who enjoy, wine,music, cigars and good uncensored conversation.
(heck a Harley ride with a group of folks could even be planned for the following day)

Everyone would have to be vouched by me. And not just anyone would be accepted for an invite. I have a certain *taste* in the type of mature people I'd like to enjoy this type of evening with. If there's an interest, please send me a PM. As I'd like to try to arrange this, the week of the 29th when I'm in Dallas.(and idea's as to *where* there are some nice enjoy the wine tasting & live music. Please PM me with them).

One requirement that's a MUST!

You have to bring a bag or box of donated items for the homeless vets or for the battered women's & children shelter.This is something I'm passionate about.