Question-why is ok to give out good and BAD info on a provider but its not ok to give out info on a client that does something BAD

fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 06-14-2010, 02:50 PM
I dont understand why its ok for a provider to have bad or good things wrote about HER but its NOT ok to write any thing bad about a CLIENT that may do something bad (meaning that the clients info is blocked out but the provider has info plastered all over the place)...what if he has a username that is posted on boards...can that be used? or if his email is open to the public...I ask this because of the safety reasons...
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
MJ - isn't there a private place for ladies to exchange information? Seems that's a place where the ladies NEED to make sure others know about problem guys.

I'm sure one of the mods will comment on what I'm about to say, but I don't think it's allowed to use a person's real name, address, phone number, etc - that could cause real problems. If there's a problem with a guy on the board, I'd PM the mods, explain the issue, and let them handle it - they can ban a guy who is a problem.

My thoughts.
fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 06-14-2010, 04:32 PM
I am making it a coed question for discussion....I am not giving out any info on any paticular person....just dont understand why is it ok to give out BAD info in a review on a provider for ALL TO SEE and itS not done for ALL TO SEE if a client is doing something bad and even dangerous that may hurt someone...does that make sense? and its not just for the ladies to review..what if there is business done with multiple clients together and that guy is UR friend...wouldn't u want to KNOW? u may know something so how would u get the info out there to a provider or to clients?
in the same case I want to know about female providers just in case I end up doing a
two girl tag team with them...
i would think if you had a major problem,the alert section would be the place to post,if he could not get it up,then that would be in the ladies locker room
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-14-2010, 08:59 PM
Okay, first thing is that your perception here is just a bit skewed and you're very much misrepresenting and mis-stating the facts.....I have been a moderator on several boards for many years now and not once have I ever seen any owner forbid a lady from posting a hobbyists screenname in a coed session when there was a problem.....In fact, I have often told ladies that it's okay to post a hobbyist's board handle in a public section when they get a NCNS or last minute cancellation because I see that as no different than when the guys post the names of providers who do the same thing.....Each time I've told the ladies to do that I've been met with something about them NOT wanting to do that because they were afraid of the backlash it would cause them and the way it would make them appear in the image of the rest of the guys.....So that has always been the providers making the decision not to post, rather than some boardwide prohibition on them making a post.....

Second thing is that there definitely IS a prohibition against you posting someone's personal information here in the open public for all to see.....You wouldn't like that shit being done to you and you're NOT going to be allowed to do it to any of the hobbyists.....And don't even think about trying to begin to rant and complain about things being unfair and one-sided because the guys don't have your personal info so they can only post your board handle, your email, and a hobby phone if they have a complaint, whereas in the ladies areas you're allowed to post way more personal info on a guy than just what his public profile says, and then even the things that you can't post you share with other ladies when they ask you for it via backchannel.....
fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 06-15-2010, 12:05 AM
good points.... big C.....cause I have not been on here that long and I AM STILL LEARNING ALL THIS SHIT.. ....go back and re-read the post....I was indirectly asking if its OK to use a username and email IF PUBLIC and is viewed in the open and the person has their settings for viewing..
I thought they blocked out everything in the powder room ..still trying to figure that out....yes I agree to the private info being blocked out if the settings is on private mode but what if the username and email is posted ON HERE OR ANOTHER PLACE ?....
thanks for the info ....
sometimes I might not get something across....can only try my fucking best and try to figure this out....thinking it would be easy for it all to be front and center but I see other points made as well....