Austin Community Xmas Happy Hour - Wednesday, Dec. 12

ck1942's Avatar
Just the usual low-key reminder that the invites for the Wednesday, Dec. 12 Xmas Happy Hour (4:30 pm to 8 pm +) are in process.

If you are not already on the invite and wish to attend, please send me a PM.
More details about invites and event rules are in the link in my signature.

If you were on previous invites and didn't get a current invite, please let me know as no-shows and "failure to re-vouch" invitees are dropped to inactive status.

For more information on Austin Community Happy Hours -

Vouching closes at noon Tuesday.

See y'all there!

(This meet and greet is in no way sponsored by nor connected to nor to any other hobby board although these very generously allow bandwidth to announce our continuing local events.)
Mr Blonde's Avatar
It appears all the parties are ion the few days a month I actually have to work
ck1942's Avatar
Just a reminder.... Vouching closes at noon Tuesday.
Thanks CK , got to meet a few ladies new and veteran that I had wanted to meet !
Thanks CK. It was fun to meet some new people including a now UTR Austin legend. I also talked briefly with that gorgeous waitress, every time I see her I get a bigger crush on her.
squiretuck's Avatar
As always big thanks for the party! Saw some old friends and made some new friends!
Thank you CK!! It was so nice to see my old friends & meet new ones! Wish I could of stayed longer.
Thanks ck. Great time as always
MARTlAN's Avatar
Thank you CK, it was nice meeting some new ladies