watching xxx flicks on the road

Can I hook my laptop into a hotel flat screen, to play xxx cd's? Ordering xxx flicks from hotel can not only get expensive, but raise red flags for a woman traveling alone.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 03-19-2013, 05:32 PM
If your laptop has a HDMI plug, you should be able to watch them on the tv, if it also has a video-in plug.
bmoore's Avatar
Depends on the TV and your computer. Does your computer only have a VGA out? Does the TV have VGA or HDMI? If the TV is not an HDTV, then it probably only has RCA connectors. If that's the case, buy a VGA to RCA adapter. If the HDTV has a VGA port, use a VGA cable. If your computer and the TV both have HDMI ports, use an HDMI cable. Unfortunately there's no universal answer of yes or no, as there are too many variables in the equation. Personally, I use my iPhone with an RCA connection. Pretty much works with any TV as long as it takes RCA cables, which almost all do. The only exception I've seen is certain hotels whose TV only has an rf connection (typical single black cable). Then, I can use Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, porn, or whatever I want from my phone. But then you have to keep in mind data usage if you're not on an unlimited data plan.
Why not just watch from the many XXX sites for free on your laptop?!?
If you don't have an iPhone some Android phones have a micro hdmi out that you can use too. My Droid RAZR does. I'm pretty sure some tablets do too. Might be able to leave the laptop at home!

It seems most flat screen TVs have hdmi ports these days and I'd be surprised if your laptop doesn't.
Guest082318's Avatar
I bring my Apple TV with me when I travel. It lets me stream movies from either my laptop or iPhone. Most of the newer hotel flat screens have the external inputs disabled by the Lodgemet system but you can get around it by disconnecting the phone line from the Lodgemet box behind the TV or just unplugging it.
Guest010619's Avatar
If you have an iPod w porn on it. You can watch on the large screen (this plays on my 65") using this.
It has both VGA & HDMI hook ups.
Hope this version makes it to the actual market place