Crazy marine

Zara Sharif's Avatar
So i posted in alerts about the incident i had with this crazy fucker i reported him and apparently he was banned. I dont understand how he is banned and is reading any of the comments he texting me threatening me all mad i guess how guys were calling him out. Lol hes so sour. Anyways i just dont understand how hes able to see comments if hes banned. His handle was donald_trump btw this is the second number ive had to block
ck1942's Avatar
Anyone with 'net access is able to see 90% of this site, lurker or banned doesn't matter.

Sorry for your stress.

Ask your cell provider to block his texting if your hardware/software cannot.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Multiple handles and identities are easy enough to create here. I'm sure his banned handle isn't the only one out there. He's had at least five or more alias here that I can remember.
Precious_b's Avatar
Why don't you set up a meet with him and greet him with a few other Providers that he's done this to. Should be an interesting occasion.
I've heard about this guy alot, even know what tattoos he has lol. He's some kinda nut to make all these alt accounts to harass people. Also there's texting apps and he can change numbers as much as he wants so the best bet is to just ignore numbers that you do not know for awhile, he'll quit eventually.
Zara Sharif's Avatar
Yeah its just pathetic how someone can have no life but just to harass people
Samcro84's Avatar
^^^ that list is very long.

21spurs's Avatar
Guy is insane. Go do search on the d*rty San Antonio. Freak is all over the place on that website
MrTex1959's Avatar
he keeps reinventing himself. be safe and screen.