A coalition of tea party truck drivers is planning a government shutdown demonstration on the Capital Beltway that rings Washington.

"Truckers Ride For The Constitution" -- known as "Truckers To Shutdown America" before their original Facebook page was shut down -- plans to clog the Interstate 495 inner loop from Oct. 11 to Oct. 13.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do they have a permit?
LovingKayla's Avatar
It's going to be awesome. I'm making sandwiches and food stuffs for participating truckers in Greenville/commerce. Anyone reading this post that is participating in the general strike, shoot me a note and I'll get you on my delivery route.
Permits ?

They don't got no permits, they don't need no stinkin permits..............

Do they have a permit? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Yeah, great idea!

Nothing like fucking up the lives of tens of thousands of ordinary citizens who happen to be just trying to get to and from work. That's sure to rally the sentiment of people from all across the nation.

This foolish stunt might be just as effective a boost for the conservative cause as an encore marathon Ted Cruz pseudo-filibuster!
LexusLover's Avatar
Permits ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway


705.1 It is the declared public policy of the District of Columbia that persons and groups have a right to organize and participate in peaceful First Amendment assemblies on the streets, sidewalks, and other public ways, and in the parks of the District of Columbia, and to engage in First Amendment assembly near the object of their protest so they may be seen and heard, subject to reasonable restrictions designed to protect public safety, persons, and property, and to accommodate the interest of persons not participating in the assemblies to use the streets, sidewalks, and other public ways to travel to their intended destinations, and use the parks for recreational purposes.

705.2 A "First Amendment assembly" means a demonstration, rally, parade, march, vigil, picket line, or other similar gathering conducted for the purpose of persons expressing their political, social, religious, or other views.

705.3 The Metropolitan Police Department may impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on First Amendment assemblies held on District streets, sidewalks, or other public ways, or in District parks. The imposition of restrictions may occur:

(a) Through the approval of a plan, where organizers give advance notice of the intent to engage in a First Amendment assembly;

(b) During the occurrence of a First Amendment assembly for which a plan has been approved where restrictions in addition to those set forth in the approved plan are:

(1) Necessary to implement the substance and intent in the approval of the plan;

(2) Required due to the occurrence of actions or events unrelated to the First Amendment assembly that were not anticipated at the time of the approval of the plan and that were not caused by the plan-holder, counter-demonstrators, or the police; or

(3) Necessary due to a determination by the Metropolitan Police Department during the assembly that there exists an imminent likelihood of violence endangering persons or threatening to cause significant property damage; or

(c) During a First Amendment assembly where a plan was not approved for the assembly.

705.4 No time, place, or manner restriction regarding a First Amendment assembly shall be based on the content of the beliefs expressed or anticipated to be expressed during the assembly, or on factors such as the attire or appearance of persons participating or expected to participate in an assembly, nor may such restrictions favor non-First Amendment activities over First Amendment activities.

705.5 For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions may apply either to a First-Amendment assembly, or a non-First Amendment activity (depending upon whether the event meets the elements of a First Amendment assembly as set forth in section 705.2):

(a) Parade. A "parade" is any formation, march, procession consisting of persons, animals, vehicles, or a combination of persons, animals, and vehicles, traveling in unison with a common purpose, upon any public street, highway, alley, sidewalk or other public way, within the territorial jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police...."

Yea. Permits? As in the approval of an application.

May the tow truck drivers of DC have a Fruitful Fall !!!!
What part of "civil disobedience" don't you understand ?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-08-2013, 11:38 AM
What part of "civil disobedience" don't you understand ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
you misspelled "rightwinger", the epitome of civil disobedience

brag about all you want, when the dems kick your ass again be sure and blame them, the rightwingers can't accept responsibility either
LexusLover's Avatar
What part of "civil disobedience" don't you understand ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As opposed to "criminal disobedience" ..

or "uncivilized disobedience" ...

or "nonproductive disobedience" ...

or "counterproductive disobedience" ..

or "waste-of-natural-resources disobedience" ...

or "just-polluting-the-air disobedience"?
What part of "civil disobedience" don't you understand ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Do you clowns ever consider pausing for just a moment to think through some of the idiocy you post?

What part of the laws that prohibit shutting down public streets and roadways do you not understand?

If you think this is such a wonderful idea, you might try organizing a shutdown of, say, the LBJ Freeway in Dallas. Just join a few of your buddies and park trucks in every lane. See how it goes. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Just a little "civil disobedience" among friends and fellow citizens ought to be perfectly OK with everyone, right? Please report back and tell us what happened.

Oh, yeah, one more thing. Don't forget to tell us how much you enjoyed having your sorry ass hauled off to jail.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Do you clowns ever consider pausing for just a moment to think through some of the idiocy you post? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight



Plus, if they did, this would be one hell of an empty place.
You 2 sound like Spiro Agnew......................... ...
hypocrites suck...

  • Laz
  • 10-08-2013, 06:26 PM
If their objective is to shut down traffic in the city I cannot support the idea. If they want to make a point to the politicians they need to do that without being a pain to all of the people that live there. If they did it where I live I would be really pissed off and not listen to anything they had to say.
A coalition of tea party truck drivers is planning a government shutdown demonstration on the Capital Beltway that rings Washington.

"Truckers Ride For The Constitution" -- known as "Truckers To Shutdown America" before their original Facebook page was shut down -- plans to clog the Interstate 495 inner loop from Oct. 11 to Oct. 13. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I say, give it your best shot and let the chips fall where they may.

I hope Trendy joins in but I seriously doubt that he has the balls to be on the firing line.

Trendy talks a good game but his talk is miles and miles and miles and miles from the action.