Voter irregularities in large numbers, but I have not seen a peep about it here.
Why not, I wonder? Could it be because two of the three areas mentioned are heavily low-income, black, and 1st/2nd gen citizens? The third is just lower-middle class.
My mother was a polling volunteer well into her upper 80s (by the way, a registered Republican her whole life though that means little either way). She had at least one horror story every year. Year old paper ballots with the wrong names delivered to the voting place. No machines. Fire alarm tests going off multiple times during the voting day.
Originally Posted by Old-T
this is nothing new and nothing that hasn't been posted about in this forum before. voter fraud is an age old tactic. and even when out right fraud isn't in play, broken voting machines and out of date materials are also part of it.
in the days of the interwebs, you'd think a reasonably secure website (define secure on the interwebs .. lol does not compute!) could be set up for people to validate their votes.
the idea would be this .. once people vote and the results are tallied, people should be able to go see that their vote was counted, for the candidate they intended, and ":confirm" the vote. then, crunch the numbers and see if they correspond to the "official" (sic) tally. if not, then there's an potential discrepancy.
i can't recall which .. but one of the Big Three Sci-Fi authors of the Golden Age .. i think Heinlein who in many ways was a progressive .. if not a socialist at heart, proposed in one of his novels i read that in the future, voting would be handled by a computer that would select the most "average joe" in the country, and that "average joe" would then vote on all major issues. interesting idea!