Thread Expiration

ANONONE's Avatar
Can we please get a clarification on the OFFICIAL Policy regarding general interest threads?

It is policy, and a good rule, not to bump reviews and ads after thirty days.

As far as I know, it is encouraged that general topics live forever with no rule about bumping, yet we routinely see mods do this and close a thread:

Please clarify.

Omahan's Avatar
This is the way we've used the rule in the KC / Kansas forums. Review threads end 30 days after they were started. Discussion threads can go on forever unless they go dormant - 30 days or more without a reply. No one can reply to a dormant thread. We have made exceptions - one possible exception might be a sports thread. Maybe the season ends and then there's a post season game 30 days later. I wouldn't say anything about a bump on that thread. Again, that's how we do it in Kansas.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-09-2010, 11:14 PM
That is pretty much how I have been handling it.