Twofaced site and BS mods

12blue4u's Avatar
I just got an infraction for mentioning a green leafy substance that is legal in almost half the states by a mod site which is promoting something that is illegal in all fifty.
It took JCM800 almost 4 days to sift thru and find this and decide that yep my reference in commenting on a Jessie Ross post was indeed an infraction. What a hypocritical site. If i get kicked out I really don't fucking care. All the good guys are gone anyway.
Mike1961's Avatar
I Guess you weren't talking about lettuce or spinach.
Hey Blue, anyone ever tell you your a lot like Pelini?
JCM800's Avatar
Blue, I'm going to assume that you're referring to "lettuce or spinach" above and not a forbidden topic, lol.

Like I already have explained to you sir ...what is "legal" or not is absolutely irrelevant when it comes to what the guidelines here on a privately owned board ...which has it's own rules & regulations ...say about discussing this topic.

#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
packdense's Avatar
Well I will try not to take that TOO personally....
Thats only been against the rules since.... FOREVER. And ANYBODY who mentions it gets an infraction. Doesnt seemed 2 faced to me.. just the rules. Try to unbunch your panties and look at it again n see if your perception changes lmao jussssst kidding.... kinda lol
Hey jcm welcome back btw i thought u were gone for good.
JCM800's Avatar
Hey jcm welcome back btw i thought u were gone for good. Originally Posted by Kay2Day
Nah, how can I leave this crazy place, lol.

Thanks, it's good to be back.
If i get kicked out I really don't fucking care. All the good guys are gone anyway. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
If that truly is how you feel sir, your account can be disabled. All you need to do is send a PM to JCM or myself making the request and stating a reason and we will forward said request to the admin staff for action.

Have fun and play safe!

Thats only been against the rules since.... FOREVER. And ANYBODY who mentions it gets an infraction. Doesnt seemed 2 faced to me.. just the rules. Originally Posted by Kay2Day
How is it that this sexy thing nails her responses every single damn time?!?! Must be the red hair!
12blue4u's Avatar
Except that references for infractions are not applied equally and are subjective to who is being a mod. And the whole appeal process is a joke. Mostly get no response.
Lets see this is a site that depends on guys to promote an illegal activity. It constantly shy's away from issues they should not stand for. Lets see dudes can mention death of people, violence against women with no infractions. But its not against the rules. I merely use a green leafy reference as neither advocating or condoning and Bingo infraction. You sir are in violation of blah blah blah. Me thinks the priorities are a bit mixed up here. Oh I did get an infraction for standing against violence to women to someone on here. I also got one for taking issue with someone advocating the death of a former first lady. Ummm isn't that illegal, nope not on here.

But speaking of panties........
ILuvNips's Avatar
Personally I completely disagree with the pot discussions rule here on eccie. I for one would like to know if a provider is going to be partaking in any smoking activities after or before session. that's one smell that stays on your clothes and it's hard to get rid of trying to sneak back in the house. I guess that's why it's just an infraction and not means for suspension of a year so person can talk about that with just a slap on the wrist.

I frequently share your outrage, but I believe you are suffering from a misunderstanding of the Moderators roles here.

The moderators are not here to dispense "justice." This is not a gentleman's club, where rules are neatly defined and debated and everyone plays "cricket." This is Dodge City, and if you piss off Marshall Dillon, he's gonna gun you down in the street.

If you truly want justice, there's a nice little Catholic Church down the street.

The mods are here to settle disagreements, (note....this does NOT mean means by the most expediant method) and make sure some basic rules are followed so that the privately owned franchise is protected. Do I know why certain topics are forbidden? No. And the owners are not obliged to tell me why. But they must have their reasons.

I don't always agree with the mod's decisions, but in my experience they've done a pretty good job overall. I don't always get to see what they see.

In fact, I wouldn't mind a stint walking a mile in their shoes. I'd probably learn a lot.

So, while you all are pondering Matt Dillon's duties, here's a song you can listen to:
Ive been pointed too once for talking about it.... and the mods love me lol. If u mention it then edit yourself and say <forbidden topic> When discussing it. They really cant give you an infraction when you edit yourself the way they would if you were in violation.

The mods don't make the rules as i understand its St.C that laid down the guidelines..... they just follow the outline giving to them as part of the mods duties. If you think the rules should be changed contact StC and plead your case.
Mods arent sitting here reading thousands of post just waiting to give out points just because ... more than likely someone reported your post and brought it to their attention... if you were in clear violation of the rules they did what they were supposed to do.

And FYI we have completely different mods now... Marcus was freaking awesome but he let alot of stuff slide compared to the new mods... doesnt make them wrong just bc its something we are not used to.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Why's everyone so worked up about Spinich anyway?
Kaboom's Avatar
Why's everyone so worked up about Spinich anyway? Originally Posted by newyorkboy
Popeye complex
livn2do's Avatar
I've gotten slapped for it twice Blue since I didn't learn the 1st time.