Medical Identity Theft and Obamacare

Is anyone surprised? ... Time for some damage control, Oflighty

Medical Identity Theft and Obamacare
By Jillian Kay Melchior
February 7, 2014 6:19 PM

Most identity theft in the United States is medical-related, according to a recent report from the Identity Theft Resource Center. The survey was released even as certain aspects of Obamacare enrollment have raised concerns about identity theft and consumer privacy.

The Center defines medical identity theft as “the fraudulent use of an individual’s personally identifiable information, such as name, Social Security number, and/or medical insurance identity number to obtain medical goods or services, or to fraudulently bill for medical goods or services using an unlawfully obtained medical identity,” also noting that it “has profound consequences for patients, insurance providers and health care providers.”

In 2012 alone, medical identity theft increased by nearly 25 percent, affecting 1.85 million Americans, according to another recent report from the Ponemon Institute, which researches privacy issues.

Michael Ollove, a reporter for Stateline, noted that 43 percent of identity-theft incidents in the United States are medical-related, “a far greater chunk than identity thefts involving banking and finance, the government and the military, or education. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that since it started keeping records in 2009, the medical records of between 27.8 million and 6.7 million people have been breached.”

Regardless, as many as 31 states do not conduct background checks on Obamacare navigators, who have access to enrollees’ names, Social Security numbers, financial records, and health information. A recent NR report found that in California, at least 43 navigators approved by the state health exchange had prior convictions, including for forgery and welfare fraud.

Clearly, there’s enormous risk that consumers’ confidential information could fall into the wrong hands. Without more oversight, expect even more dramatic statistics by next year.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Of course there is a link between medical bills and ID theft. Think of the dirtbags you have to hire to process the fraudulent bills. Ace bandage, $30. Oh, you have bcbs? $3. No surprise persons like that would steal.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biggest culprit on this ... For the part 15 years or so ... Have been the big pharmacy chains, who have routinely allowed their customer databases to be sold to data miners.

this is not a new phenomenon. It's a byproduct of the fucked up system that stupid fucks like you think was so great, Simple Jack!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No. It's a by product of the unholy alliance between business and government. There is nothing capitalistic about how Big Pharma operates. They get away with what they do because they own the regulators, and have a huge stake in the rest of government.
Biggest culprit on this ... For the part 15 years or so ... Have been the big pharmacy chains, who have routinely allowed their customer databases to be sold to data miners.

this is not a new phenomenon. It's a byproduct of the fucked up system that stupid fucks like you think was so great, Simple Jack! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yaaa.... Well... Your boyfriend says you have a sloppy pop chute... so it's his fault, just because he sells pharmaceuticals?
The right woke up? They have been ripping off your ID for years. Bilked Medicare for millions.
JCM800's Avatar
you could always check your credit report, or maybe request a copy of your current medical files from your health care provider check for possible identity theft.

....or sit around and do nothing but blame the Government for all your troubles.

you could maybe find a way to go off the grid like that guy in the movie Mud.

or find a way to remove your fingerprints and the Government implanted chip you're given at your first physical.

all kinds of possibilities. (remember, tin foil only does so much)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yaaa.... Well... Your boyfriend says you have a sloppy pop chute... so it's his fault, just because he sells pharmaceuticals? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Excellent response, Simple Jack. You refuted that argument in a logical, evidenced based rebuttal.

and COG, big pharma gets away with it because the US heakth care system empowers them. Same drugs available in Canada or Mexico are a fraction the cost of what they are here. Why?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-08-2014, 10:33 AM
Obamacare will rot out your tooth too Iffy, and give you black mold in your shower

fact check the story.
Iffy has a tooth fairy who white washes his teeth weekly.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Excellent response, Simple Jack. You refuted that argument in a logical, evidenced based rebuttal.

and COG, big pharma gets away with it because the US heakth care system empowers them. Same drugs available in Canada or Mexico are a fraction the cost of what they are here. Why? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What are the subsidies Big Pharma receives in those countries? And do you think Big Pharma has no influence in government?
What are the subsidies Big Pharma receives in those countries? And do you think Big Pharma has no influence in government? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What subsidies does Hanoi COG, AKA 'The Foottapper', receive for freelancing out of his customized, corner stall located inside the mens room at the Salina Bus Station?

I suspect COG's subsidy involves enough $20 bills to pay his Obamacare bill. With a little left over for a rainy day!

Tap, Tap, Tap!
LexusLover's Avatar
It's a byproduct of the fucked up system that stupid fucks like you think was so great, ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So now that you have "input" your data and your families data into the "100% Safe" ObaminableCare information technology base .... you feel more secure I am certain....

.. after all ... you think you have coverage!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Been covered so far. Even last night at Zocalo Cafe. Deep in the hear of Clarksville. and across the street from, you guessed it. NAUS ENFIELD DRUG!