Revital has an alert on it over on OH2

Report is that there were a bunch of men with clipboards in the lobby for some type of inspection. No idea as to the validity but wanted to cross post it to here.
winn dixie's Avatar
Sounds like Health Inspectors.
DarkPassenger's Avatar
This place has gotten super busy lately, my spidey senses have been tingling lately when I visit. There are a lot of businesses sharing this building, and I’ve noticed employees paying more attention to the comings and going’s here. Yesterday, there was a lady standing in the doorway of business to the south, starring at the entrance.

Might be nothing, just sharing what I’ve seen.
ParsonJacob's Avatar
Can you post or pm the link to OH2. I’m not familiar with it and a search produces miles of garbage.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Pecker checkers.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Can you post or pm the link to OH2. I’m not familiar with it and a search produces miles of garbage.
Thanks! Originally Posted by ParsonJacob
I think you meant this link instead.

It's my impression that the adjacent businesses are the reason this finally happened.

Don't get caught with your pants down!

Cheers and be safe.