HIV tests shown to be completely bogus

Mr. Bill's Avatar
Soldier acquitted in AIDS assault case after HIV tests shown to be completely bogus

An Army sergeant who was falsely accused of being HIV positive, and who spent 240 days in pretrial custody as a result, has officially been acquitted of the charges levied against him. Thanks to the efforts of the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice (OMSJ), a private investigative agency that focuses on medical and scientific fraud, Sgt. "TD," who was arrested in 2011 for HIV-related criminal charges, has been vindicated of his HIV-positive status, which has also caused the legitimacy of HIV tests to once again be called into question.

Learn more: quitted.html

I was going to comment on this as I actually do some work in this field but it is already stated in the linked article so I will just paste the relative part:

"HIV tests, after all, do not even test for the presence of the actual HIV virus, but rather the antibodies that the body would produce in response to it. As a result, roughly 50 percent of all HIV tests that show up positive are phony, according to a 2010 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). And certain vaccines are responsible for causing a nearly 90 percent false positive rate for HIV tests"

I don't know if I would go as high as 50% but I do know that the tests are designed to err on the side of good by showing more false positives than any negatives. The test in question is known as a "western blot" and it is performed on blood serum (what is left over after the cells and clotting agents have been removed). This is done as the serum is where one will find the immunoglobulins (antibodies). When one has been exposed to a virus, the body will develop antibodies. It does not necessarily lead, however, to the conclusion that one is now infected with the virus.
Always Horny's Avatar
I was going to comment on this as I actually do some work in this field but it is already stated in the linked article so I will just paste the relative part:

"HIV tests, after all, do not even test for the presence of the actual HIV virus, but rather the antibodies that the body would produce in response to it." Originally Posted by Long Ron Silver
Isn't that the case for every virus that they test you for? Like measles, chicken pox, etc. That they can only test for the antibodies and cannot test for the actual virus?
Mr. Bill's Avatar
Yes that is correct. HIV tests are not specific and they do not test for an HIV virus; instead they detect a general antibody response, which BTW can be caused by 100+ different (and even normal) conditions (like pregnancy, having a cold, being AA, etc.). It is this unreliability of the HIV tests that are at issue, especially when you consider how a positive result is used to determine a person's fate. A general immune system response simply means the body is reacting to something; it might mean the condition has passed, or is in progress. Never before (HIV/AIDS theory) has an intact immune system indicated with any certainty that you have a life threatening illness. In many experts' opinion, all HIV+ test results are false positives since they do not detect HIV; they should be more correctly called 'Antibody Response+' instead.

AngeLisa's Avatar
Yes that is correct. HIV tests are not specific and they do not test for an HIV virus; instead they detect a general antibody response, which BTW can be caused by 100+ different (and even normal) conditions (like pregnancy, having a cold, being AA, etc.). It is this unreliability of the HIV tests that are at issue, especially when you consider how a positive result is used to determine a person's fate. A general immune system response simply means the body is reacting to something; it might mean the condition has past, or is in progress. Never before (HIV/AIDS theory) has an intact immune system indicated with any certainty that you have a life threatening illness. In many experts' opinion, all HIV+ test results are false positives since they do not detect HIV; they should be more correctly called 'Antibody Response+' instead.

. Originally Posted by Mr. Bill
Knowledge is power
Cpalmson's Avatar
Okay, then how does one know if they in fact are HIV positive? If we are to believe for example 30-40% of HIV+ are actually false positives, is their a protocol in the medical community to re-test to rule out a false positive?
Mr. Bill's Avatar
Okay, then how does one know if they in fact are HIV positive? If we are to believe for example 30-40% of HIV+ are actually false positives, is their a protocol in the medical community to re-test to rule out a false positive? Originally Posted by Cpalmson
There exists no reliable test to tell anyone that they harbor the HIV retrovirus, albeit harmless. You must accept on faith that you are going to develop AIDS and die and that your life as you know it will be destroyed. Even the HIV test manufacturers themselves (all of them) and the FDA admit that the tests are neither designed, nor should they be used to detect the presence of HIV. This is a disclaimer to avoid liability for the likely damages subsequent to a person receiving a positive test result. Doctors never read the package inserts nor do they understand (or care) how the tests work. Doctors and clinicians only report the results and prescribe the person "treatment," a treatment which consists of very dangerous, blackbox label chemicals that in fact cause the AIDS syndrome itself. In many cases, a court will mandate the man, woman, or child be compelled to take these AIDS drugs.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yes that is correct. HIV tests are not specific and they do not test for an HIV virus; instead they detect a general antibody response, which BTW can be caused by 100+ different (and even normal) conditions (like pregnancy, having a cold, being AA, etc.). It is this unreliability of the HIV tests that are at issue, especially when you consider how a positive result is used to determine a person's fate. A general immune system response simply means the body is reacting to something; it might mean the condition has passed, or is in progress. Never before (HIV/AIDS theory) has an intact immune system indicated with any certainty that you have a life threatening illness. In many experts' opinion, all HIV+ test results are false positives since they do not detect HIV; they should be more correctly called 'Antibody Response+' instead.

. Originally Posted by Mr. Bill
is testing the same with other viruses other than HIV?

its good you brought this case up. I've not heard of it.
Mr. Bill's Avatar
is testing the same with other viruses other than HIV?

its good you brought this case up. I've not heard of it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I can't answer that; I'm not a virologist. For other viral diseases such as chickenpox, measles, or the flu, I think symptoms would have already manifested themselves thus negating the need for a test. HIV on the other hand, doesn't cause any symptoms and it's never been isolated in human blood. Since it can't be detected, HIV infection is largely faith-based voodoo medicine.

As for this particular case, the mainstream media won't touch it so it's doubtful the public at large will ever hear about it. It actually establishes quite a precedent and serves as an example for defense attorneys involved in HIV criminal cases and, a warning to courts and prosecutors that it won't be easy to imprison Americans anymore - or force them to take poison - with only a fake HIV test as evidence.

Please everyone, let's don't feed this troll. He won't ever quit because he's not intelligent enough to understand that he's wrong. He's already had two threads closed trying to push this false and extremely dangerous propoganda. So he simply opens another.

Just let him be and perhaps he'll return to being a tour guide for sex trips to the Dominican.

Knowledge is only power when its true. Two things every poster can take to the bank: Bill cannot be argued with and HIV is very, very real. Let him who has ears to hear...
Mr. Bill's Avatar
... HIV is very, very real. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
HIV is only real in a mind hypnotized by the propaganda disseminated by a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. There is no proof that HIV exists or causes AIDS. To the contrary, there is a mountain of evidence HIV is a fraud and is allowed to continue to keep research funding flowing. If anyone can find it, please point me to the original scientific paper which shows HIV to be the cause of AIDS.

"If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document."
--Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

For those of you readers who wish to determine for yourself Dr. Mullis' credibility in the scientific community, you can simply google "I once spoke to a glowing green racoon."
Okay, then how does one know if they in fact are HIV positive? If we are to believe for example 30-40% of HIV+ are actually false positives, is their a protocol in the medical community to re-test to rule out a false positive? Originally Posted by Cpalmson
If you ever have a positive HIV test, they will make you retest as often as every three months, to every 6 months. I have a cousin who's HIV positive. He was named as a partner of someone who was also named as a partner of someone who discovered their status. First, it was negative. They made him come back three months later and it was positive. And after the fourth test, they started him on the meds.

I'm inclined to agree with JD. I wonder what is his purpose for this thread. Bareback for everyone? Screw with reckless abandon? It's not really AIDS I worry about. It's the countless other diseases we can't get rid of. There are some gifts that you should keep to yourself.
Mr. Bill's Avatar
I wonder what is his purpose for this thread. Bareback for everyone? Screw with reckless abandon? It's not really AIDS I worry about. It's the countless other diseases we can't get rid of. There are some gifts that you should keep to yourself. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
You can't argue with people like JD; unfortunately they are stuck on stupid and seek every justification to avoid the facts. I wouldn't doubt that soon he will again be down on his knees begging the mods to close this thread.

The purpose of this thread is to inform people who would otherwise unwittingly destroy their lives and their families lives by succumbing to a fake HIV test and subsequent death by chemical poisoning. I certainly agree one must be cautious about contracting real STDs, though HIV is not one of them.

Please everyone, I beg of anyone who has even a modicum of ability to reason, please continue to fear HIV. Use protection, use wisdom, and use great caution when indulging in activities known to transmit the virus. It is real and it is deadly. The most credentialed and examined (and stable) scientific minds in the world attest to this.

You will know you have the virus when your physician says you do. There is no conspiracy or great cover up. There would be greater financial and political gain to exposing a cover-up than to the contrary. These same doctors who you trust to set your broken bones, deliver your children, bind up your wounds and treat your mother's cancer will not suddenly look you in the eye and lie to you. In life we must at some point place our care and trust in the hands of those who have greater expertise in some areas than do we. Certainly we all believe this because we drive upon highways we have no ability to design, we work in office buildings we cannot engineer, and we fly on airplanes with no knowledge of aeronautics. We can, and do and should, trust experts.

I have repeatedly asked moderators and administrators of these forums to disallow the OP's propaganda. My position has been that it is socially irresponsible to allow any dialogue that can potentially cause harm to the greater good. Any propaganda that fosters the erosion of a healthy fear of HIV, on an escort board, is inappropriate. Just as we don't discuss such other taboo subjects, for the same reason, we should move to protect those among us who might succumb to believing even a fraction of this nonsense.

In the name of free speech, moderators have chosen to allow such conversation. While I vehemently disagree with both their reasoning and their decision, I respect entirely their right to be wrong. It is their board to run as they see fit. If I do not like it, I can go elsewhere.

But I beg of you all, ignore this gentleman. Don't argue with him. He is a clearly established troll of the most dangerous variety-he seeks to deceive. We must not, not here or anywhere, become a society so easily fooled. HIV is real and HIV is deadly and HIV is transmitted by the very things we've all come here to do.

Ask yourself, am I a greater risk behaving as if HIV is not real or behaving as if it is. You, of course, must be the judge.