Obama Guts Welfare Reform

joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is becoming a tyrant. He no longer abides by the law. Obama issued a policy directive yesterday, which essentially overturns the heart of welfare reform, without going through Congress. This is comparable to his executive order to stop enforcing deportation as the law requires, and his decision to stop enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act.

From Heritage.org

Today, the Obama Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released an official policy directive rewriting the welfare reform law of 1996. The new policy guts the federal work requirements that were the foundation of the reform law. The Obama directive bludgeons the letter and intent of the actual reform legislation.

The new welfare dictate issued by the Obama Administration clearly guts the law. The Administration tramples on the actual legislation passed by Congress and seeks to impose its own policy choices—a pattern that has become all too common in this Administration.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Another of Jefferson's charges that the king was a tyrant.
"He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."

What does this mean to Bill Clinton and his signature legislation of welfare reform? This can't rest easy on ole Bubba.