There is DUMB and then there is DUMMER !!!!

College Student sues Las Vegas Hooker and her Escort Agency for 1.8 Mil... Claims she didn't stay long enough, now requires therapy to overcome the mental anguish... oh, he wants his money back too.....
wonder if they made a video for "world dumbest_____""
Hahaha. Sorry, I just can't take this one seriously. People are so crazy. He's gonna sue for $1.8M because she hurt his feelings? God help the servers at restaurants he frequents... Or his dry cleaners... Or his girlfriend (hand?). Way to man up, dude! LOL.
coast_encounter's Avatar
He is going to be laughing all the way to the bank.. NOT !!!!!!

Naomi4u's Avatar
LMFAO @ that pic.
beautifulbailey's Avatar
Anyone can sue anyone for anything. He is nothing more than a a attention seeker.
DallasRain's Avatar
Willen's Avatar
Hmmm. $1.8 mil, eh. You'd think she might almost like the publicity. "I'm the one who's SO good that missing a part of our time causes $1.8 worth of anguish." Then again, what would that imply about what her rate should be?

I've had a couple of great romps with Dallas, who never shorts anyone, but even if she did I doubt I'd sue for more than $500k. Sorry, no offense meant.
awl4knot's Avatar
Upon further review, I'm gonna detract my comment.

It's comical that everyone can sue everyone these days total madness.
pyramider's Avatar
The dumbass is going to learn a very valuable lesson that he could not have learned from his overpriced university.