Providers who are OCD about cleanliness

Anyone here like that?

Safety, sanitary, clean, etc.
I am OCD about cleaning. I'm so OCD that I had to buy a washer with a sanitizing cycle lol!!! Hey!, I'd rather be clean than a mess. You only get one shot when you're in this business. Ijs...
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Is this a troll post? The answer is yes, of course there are. OCD is a mental disorder so I won't go that far but yes, a great many providers are very focused on cleanliness and maintaining a sanitary environment.
The dirtier, the better


Kind of...
Yes I am.
strongbad's Avatar
I think most everyone here wants the lady he is seeing to be very clean,neat,sanitary....etc. I just don't want to show up & end up fucking Ms. Monk.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I don't think the OP knows what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is?
boardman's Avatar
Scrubbing my dick with Comet and then spitting on it during bbbj...Not cool.
strongbad's Avatar
Someone who would spray Fabreeze on lil strongbad between strokes while giving me a hand job.
Someone who would spray Fabreeze on lil strongbad between strokes while giving me a hand job. Originally Posted by strongbad
Gloves...don't forget the rubber gloves.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I remember a long time ago reading about a provider that used hand sanitizer on everyone's prives. I've seen some really obsessive guys as well, one showed up wreaking of rubbing alcohol from head to toe.

I don't know about ocd, but GenesisNicole keeps the cleanest house I've seen, all the time.
strongbad's Avatar
Gloves...don't forget the rubber gloves. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
And tongs. Guess she really is gonna toss the salad.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
I don't have OCD but cleanliness and personal hygiene are very important to me.
A providers Incall should always be clean.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Obsessive–compulsive disorder

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear or worry (obsessions), repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety (compulsions), or a combination of such obsessions and compulsions. Symptoms of the disorder include excessive washing or cleaning, repeated checking, extreme hoarding, preoccupation with sexual, violent or religious thoughts, relationship-related obsessions, aversion to particular numbers and nervous rituals such as opening and closing a door a certain number of times before entering or leaving a room. These symptoms can be alienating and time-consuming, and often cause severe emotional and financial distress. The acts of those who have OCD may appear paranoid and potentially psychotic. However, OCD sufferers generally recognize their obsessions and compulsions as irrational and may become further distressed by this realization.

The phrase obsessive–compulsive has become part of the English lexicon, and is often used in an informal or caricatured manner to describe someone who is excessively meticulous, perfectionistic, absorbed, or otherwise fixated.Although these signs are present in OCD, a person who exhibits them does not necessarily have OCD, but may instead have obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), an autism spectrum disorder, or disorders where perseveration (hyperfocus) is a feature in ADHD, PTSD, bodily disorders, or just a habit problem.


Obsessions are thoughts that recur and persist despite efforts to ignore or confront them. People with OCD frequently perform tasks, or compulsions, to seek relief from obsession-related anxiety. Within and among individuals, the initial obsessions, or intrusive thoughts, vary in their clarity and vividness. A relatively vague obsession could involve a general sense of disarray or tension accompanied by a belief that life cannot proceed as normal while the imbalance remains. A more intense obsession could be a preoccupation with the thought or image of someone close to them dying or intrusions related to "relationship rightness." Other obsessions concern the possibility that someone or something other than oneself—such as God, the Devil, or disease—will harm either the person with OCD or the people or things that the person cares about. Other individuals with OCD may experience the sensation of invisible protrusions emanating from their bodies, or have the feeling that inanimate objects are ensouled.

People with OCD understand that their notions do not correspond with reality; however, they feel that they must act as though their notions are correct. For example, an individual who engages in compulsive hoarding might be inclined to treat inorganic matter as if it had the sentience or rights of living organisms, while accepting that such behavior is irrational on a more intellectual level.

Primarily obsessional

OCD sometimes manifests without overt compulsions. Nicknamed "Pure-O", or referred to as Primarily Obsessional OCD, OCD without overt compulsions could, by one estimate, characterize as many as 50 percent to 60 percent of OCD cases. Primarily obsessional OCD has been called "one of the most distressing and challenging forms of OCD." People with this form of OCD have "distressing and unwanted thoughts pop into [their] head frequently", and the thoughts "typically center on a fear that you may do something totally uncharacteristic of yourself, something ...potentially yourself or others." The thoughts "quite likely, are of an aggressive or sexual nature."

Rather than engaging in observable compulsions, the person with this subtype might perform more covert, mental rituals, or might feel driven to avoid the situations in which particular thoughts seem likely to intrude. As a result of this avoidance, people can struggle to fulfill both public and private roles, even if they place great value on these roles and even if they had fulfilled the roles successfully in the past. Moreover, the individual's avoidance can confuse others who do not know its origin or intended purpose, as it did in the case of a man whose wife began to wonder why he would not hold their infant child. The covert mental rituals can take up a great deal of a person's time during the day.

Some people with OCD perform compulsive rituals because they inexplicably feel they have to, others act compulsively so as to mitigate the anxiety that stems from particular obsessive thoughts. The person might feel that these actions somehow either will prevent a dreaded event from occurring, or will push the event from their thoughts. In any case, the individual's reasoning is so idiosyncratic or distorted that it results in significant distress for the individual with OCD or for those around them. Excessive skin picking (i.e., dermatillomania) or hair plucking (i.e., trichotillomania) and nail biting (i.e., onychophagia) are all on the Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum. Individuals with OCD are aware that their thoughts and behavior are not rational, but they feel bound to comply with them to fend off feelings of panic or dread.

Some common compulsions include counting specific things (such as footsteps) or in specific ways (for instance, by intervals of two), and doing other repetitive actions, often with atypical sensitivity to numbers or patterns. People might repeatedly wash their hands or clear their throats, make sure certain items are in a straight line, repeatedly check that their parked cars have been locked before leaving them, constantly organize in a certain way, turn lights on and off, keep doors closed at all times, touch objects a certain number of times before exiting a room, walk in a certain routine way like only stepping on a certain color of tile, or have a routine for using stairs, such as always finishing a flight on the same foot.

The compulsions of OCD must be distinguished from tics; movements of other movement disorders such as chorea, dystonia, myoclonus; movements exhibited in stereotypic movement disorder or some people with autism; and the movements of seizure activity. There may exist a notable rate of comorbidity between OCD and tic-related disorders.

People rely on compulsions as an escape from their obsessive thoughts; however, they are aware that the relief is only temporary, that the intrusive thoughts will soon return. Some people use compulsions to avoid situations that may trigger their obsessions. Although some people do certain things over and over again, they do not necessarily perform these actions compulsively. For example, bedtime routines, learning a new skill, and religious practices are not compulsions. Whether or not behaviors are compulsions or mere habit depends on the context in which the behaviors are performed. For example, arranging and ordering DVDs for eight hours a day would be expected of one who works in a video store, but would seem abnormal in other situations. In other words, habits tend to bring efficiency to one's life, while compulsions tend to disrupt it.....